Other peoples children

John Andrews said:
George, did you miss him with the dog crap? Hey, too bad about your scumbag neighbors, fella. You have gone way out of your way to help your neighbors, and they sure didn't show any appreciation, for sure. Anal rejects is what you have for neighbors, IG. Keep throwing, you aim will improve, even though your hand might get kinda stinky!
Yep, I missed. Need bigger pieces of crap. The dude that was in the backyard was the same guy who got white paint all over my new pickup when he was spray paint the house. He knew that he had one strike against him already.
The people that live on either side of me are both very cool and one of the guys builds custom hotrods as a hobby. This year they are both moving and I am worried about what will move in next door. Time to start walking around outside in my underware with shotgun!
When I was younger, I needed some tools to repair my moped and I went to my uncle. He was generouse and gave me a whole box of his best tools.

As allways, I'm very carefull with tools and I try to keep them in good shape specially if they are borrowed. SO what I did was after the repairs I wiped the tools with some WD-40 and put them back in the tool box. I was afraid the somebody might steal them and I stored them in the cellar under the shelves. Next evening there was a great storm and the cellar was flooded... :(
Man, I was so stiff with fear when I saw those tools under water...

It was a strike of luck that I did wipe them with oil but they got just a bit stained anyways. My uncle did not say anything while I tried to explain him what happened, actually he didn't say anything to me in weeks... :(
