• The BladeForums.com 2024 Traditional Knife is ready to order! See this thread for details: https://www.bladeforums.com/threads/bladeforums-2024-traditional-knife.2003187/
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Other uses for a Gut Hook?

What WL said. They were originally designed to lift cooking pots off of fires. Designed by some Alaska bushman fella. They are good for that I'll give them that. Other than that they ruin the look of a knife bar none. I feel like a parrot! keepem sharp
Actually, the concept of the guthook was patented in the mid-1870s; for gutting, but at the time, the idea never really took. At present I don't own any gut-hooked equipped knives- not really my thing. However, my Sog Powerlock has the V-Cutter on it- a tool I have found is easier for cuting zip ties with than a standard knife.
My understanding is that the theory behind a gut hook is that they cut the hide from the inside away from the hair, so they are supposed to hold an edge longer. Also, less chance of nicking the organs.

I don't own one, and don't need one. Apart from their intended function, the only things I could see them being any good for have already been mentioned, fishing line and cord, wire strippers, pot lifters.
