Passaround Hawks!


Nov 30, 2001
Hey Guys, Heres some pics of the hawks from the pass around!
First is the Scout, darn handy size hawk for general chores, and light enough that one could wear it while hiking and it wont weigh down.

The stump is green oak and hard as a rock! It took a couple of tries to get a good stick.

Next is the Ranier, nice heavy hawk and it bit deep into the stump with two shots. I like the feel of this one, It would be great on a camping trip. I can see a lot of uses in this one, even a few defense. I worked with a Viking bearded axe replica back in my SCA days and for heavy fighting they are very effective:eek: the edge is blunted but the hook is great for grabing a shield and pulling it down, or an errant arm. :p heres a pic of it

Notice how deep that thing went into that oak! :cool:

Here is a shot of both

Lots more to come as I get out in the yard with them, no room to throw them around but I have lotsa stuff to chop. :D

I feel a new toy is in my future, I like these things!
LOL - it was part of my evil masterplan to get them into your hands! ;)

These were the first two we designed back in 2003/2004. They were orginally called the Blackhawk but since we're in Washington we decided to give them some local flavor. They're a great pair. I personally like the Scout more but I'm a woman - men like the Rainier a lot.

Feel free to throw them and use them. ENJOY!
Thanks Silas, :D I've been collecting some wood from the neibors tree trimming, gonna have a little chopping spree with a little pruning from the magnolia in the front yard. I hope the surrounding neibors dont get ideas that I'm some kind of gardener! :p
Ok now, these hawks are a blast!!! :D Silas, are you a patient man? ;) This is the first hawk that I have had to play with and its just too much fun! Pics coming of the "fun with the magnolia and mystery tree in the back yard" I wanna throw these bad boys in the worst way!!!! Wheres that huge stump in Lubbock when I need it!!!!!?????? :eek:

Is there gonna be a raffle for these when the pass around is done? Pleeeeaaaase say yes!!!!!! Either one is fine with me, I want one!!!!!
Hmmmmm, a raffle, a giveaway of some sort.......


I'll have to come up with something REALLY cool! :D Give me a couple days. I was almost soured on this whole passaround and now it's gotten fun.
Very cool! :D I'm glad its getting fun. that is what it is supposed to be. :)

Now, Silas gets one, and I get the other, right? :D :thumbup:
Here we have Leatherman throwing his line out. The waters have been chummed with great pics of fun and joy. :cool:
leatherman said:
Is there gonna be a raffle for these when the pass around is done? Pleeeeaaaase say yes!!!!!! Either one is fine with me, I want one!!!!!

It was nearly a 9 hour wait the bait has been spotted. It's circled over and over with curiosity. Hmmmmm, This looks fun and tempting?!?! Wham!!! The hook is set! :eek:
NorthStarXO said:
Hmmmmm, a raffle, a giveaway of some sort.......


I'll have to come up with something REALLY cool! :D Give me a couple days. I was almost soured on this whole passaround and now it's gotten fun.

Leatherman Jumps with Joy as he runs from one side of his keyboard to the other reeling in the trophy catch! :D ;)
leatherman said:
Very cool! :D I'm glad its getting fun. that is what it is supposed to be. :)

Now, Silas gets one, and I get the other, right? :D :thumbup:

I've got the net ready Captin'. Let me know when their gettin close.


See, now what Silas just did is called scarin' all the fish away by makin' too much noise in the boat! ;)

Send 'em to Silas and then onwards, etc. We'll see what happens at the end, if it ever ends! :D
Were back! I'm getting some pics ready, hopefully tomorrow. Then I think they'll be ready to go on to Silas! They? oh wait, I mean it! yea, it:eek:

I just need Silas's address and its good to go to the next person for some lovin :cool:

PS some of these new smilies arent as good as the old ones, for example:p now that is a weak smilie! :yawn:
Well, the twins are on the way to the new playground,:( But I did get in some playtime before they went out. The tree next to our house is getting a trim soon, well, as soon as the darn chicks in the nest grow up! But theres a stray limb that I did some work on, darn hard stuff that wood is! :eek: though the hawk bit right in with no shock through the handle at all! :cool: Amazing for a thin handle.



I'm going to miss those two! I want a hammer poll hawk badly now! :eek: Gotta sell more sheaths and get me one! :D
Awwww - I'm glad you liked them. I'm sure Silas is already sitting on the mailbox. Sure hope it's not raining! :D