• Preorders are LIVE for the 2024 BladeForums Traditional Knife

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    Requirements: Be a Gold or higher member or have been a member of the forums since 6/2023 with at least 100 posts in the Traditional Forum. Preorder is for people who live in the continental US only, international orders will be separate.

    Delivery expected in Q4 2024, hopefully before the holidays.

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PB & Snark, Quartered with No Crusts

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I dont miss school at all. The only good part was the girls and parties :D
So I thought about trying to save up for a Team Gemini

I couldnt really get into the TGLB as a user... Its a sweet LOOKING knife dont get me wrong, but as a woods knife it just wasnt my cup of tea. And im not in the business of killing zombies LOL

The top guard probably had a lot to do with it. Same with the Rodent 6, which is quite a bit cheaper than the TGLB. I did get a Rodent 6... But the top Guard was in the way so i sent it back to Swamp Rat and had them grind off the top guard and turn it to a drop point. But i ended up eventually selling that one. After the mods it was pretty cool though.
MM - It always does but especially when your young and unencumbered.

I'm sitting at my mechanic's waiting to see how much it's going to cost me this time. :grumpy:

Power steering has been leaking like a sieve and the cam shaft sensor is out again. Oh well, just means another month without any new toys.:thumbdn: I hope y'all are having a better day.

On the bright side, it's raining and that means it's going to cool things down. Plus, I don't have to work til 11pm so I get to hang out with my daughter most of the day. :)
I'm going in as a Freshman. :( And I skipped 8th. :eek:

Ha, feel sorry for you man, the way it works here is we have 8th and 9th at the junior high than 10th 11th 12th at the high school, so when you're a freshman than your the at the top then next year you're a sophomore and everyone hates you again
Ha, feel sorry for you man, the way it works here is we have 8th and 9th at the junior high than 10th 11th 12th at the high school, so when you're a freshman than your the at the top then next year you're a sophomore and everyone hates you again

Nope, I aren't that lucky, our High school has 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th in one school. :(

Luckily my oldest sister is a Senior, and my other older sister is a Sophomore. I got connections bro! :D
Do you have a block schedule or a full 7 period day, we only fave 4 classes a day but they are an hour and a half long and it makes things so much easier.

Also thanks for the heads up on the 17 need up getting it after all
MM - It always does but especially when your young and unencumbered.

I'm sitting at my mechanic's waiting to see how much it's going to cost me this time. :grumpy:

Power steering has been leaking like a sieve and the cam shaft sensor is out again. Oh well, just means another month without any new toys.:thumbdn: I hope y'all are having a better day.

On the bright side, it's raining and that means it's going to cool things down. Plus, I don't have to work til 11pm so I get to hang out with my daughter most of the day. :)

What type of car do you drive? I swapped the cam sensor on my girlfriends car and I think it was $30 or $40 for the part and two bolts. She drives an 06' Dodge Stratus. The car has actually been pretty good up to 85,000 miles so far, but some repairs should start popping up soon. All we have done to it was that sensor, plugs and wires, a tie rod end, and I had to solder the wires to one of her fuel injectors after a squirrel tried to eat them. It has a bit of a clunk in the front end when she hits a bump that I can't seem to track down. I'm thinking its a bushing somewhere.
Do you have a block schedule or a full 7 period day, we only fave 4 classes a day but they are an hour and a half long and it makes things so much easier.

Also thanks for the heads up on the 17 need up getting it after all

We have a 7 blocks. I cannot see how longer blocks would be better, I think I prefer 7 blocks, I have no experience though.

I'm glad you got the 17, I was tempted, but I have other priority's ..... It's the only Tweener I'm missing.
Ha, feel sorry for you man, the way it works here is we have 8th and 9th at the junior high than 10th 11th 12th at the high school, so when you're a freshman than your the at the top then next year you're a sophomore and everyone hates you again

What happened to 6th and 7th grade, isnt that part of middle school too? Or did that change???

And i thought 9th grade was in high school?

At one point i went to a school that was from 6th grade up to 12th grade.... But that was because i was expelled from regular school... We also had a teen parenting program next door to the "juvenile delinquent" program LOL...... But in all seriousness that "alternative" school was the best school i ever went to.. Most people only stayed half a year... I had to stay a full year, but after my time was up i tried to stay there... They wouldnt let me though.. they sent me back to public school... But i had already skipped 11th grade and finished every credit i needed to graduate except 1 elective... so when i got back to public school my schedule was a breeze LOL... I had 2 classes of wood shop, and another class of masonry.... I picked all my classes.... i was having fun my senior year!!
I chose to graduate a year early so I could work for a year before going to college. No student debt = awesome
We have pre k- 5th in elementary school then 6th and 7th in middle school, then 8th and the freshman at the junior high and everyone else at the highschool, we also have a high school that's kind of like what you are talking about

MM, I like the 4 classes because the fun classes last longer and the terrible classes, like math, is only a semester instead of all year, plus we have an extra half hour to do homework each class so I almost never had homework last year
The school behind my house where my kids will attend is k-8 :D the only thing I need to do is snip a hole in the fence so my kids don't have to walk more then 50feet to school :D
What type of car do you drive? I swapped the cam sensor on my girlfriends car and I think it was $30 or $40 for the part and two bolts. She drives an 06' Dodge Stratus. The car has actually been pretty good up to 85,000 miles so far, but some repairs should start popping up soon. All we have done to it was that sensor, plugs and wires, a tie rod end, and I had to solder the wires to one of her fuel injectors after a squirrel tried to eat them. It has a bit of a clunk in the front end when she hits a bump that I can't seem to track down. I'm thinking its a bushing somewhere.

Dodge Intrepid. It's already had the cam shaft and crank shaft sensors replaced twice this year so that work is under warranty. My mechanic always treats us right so I don't worry about getting ripped off. We've been with him over 10 yrs. When we first met he was working out of a Public Storage unit with a floor jack and a tool chest. Now he owns his own garage with 5 bays and two full time employees. I might be able to do the work myself but it's not worth the aggravation to me. Not enough space, not enough good tools and not enough patience.
Dodge Intrepid. It's already had the cam shaft and crank shaft sensors replaced twice this year so that work is under warranty. My mechanic always treats us right so I don't worry about getting ripped off. We've been with him over 10 yrs. When we first met he was working out of a Public Storage unit with a floor jack and a tool chest. Now he owns his own garage with 5 bays and two full time employees. I might be able to do the work myself but it's not worth the aggravation to me. Not enough space, not enough good tools and not enough patience.

I definitely understand that. I've done my share of wrenching on my own stuff, but it sure is nice to just hand it over to someone you trust to do the work and to not have to worry about it.
We have pre k- 5th in elementary school then 6th and 7th in middle school, then 8th and the freshman at the junior high and everyone else at the highschool, we also have a high school that's kind of like what you are talking about

MM, I like the 4 classes because the fun classes last longer and the terrible classes, like math, is only a semester instead of all year, plus we have an extra half hour to do homework each class so I almost never had homework last year

Wow. My daughter has a similar schedule. They call it A / B days. Each class is an hour and a half long but they really push the girls hard. She normally has 2-3 hours of homework every night. But that might be because she's taking A.P. classes.
Yeah I didn't take any AP last year but I'm taking AP English 3 and maybe AP us history, the only AP class available for sophomores was AP world and tey had about 4 hours of homework every night
SO i was going to return my Spec Ops Better BDU belt... But i found out they would only refund me minus a ~$5 shipping charge... Which i never payed shipping because im a prime member, PLUS id have to pay to send it back because it wasnt their error since i just dont care for the way it protrudes.

All said and done id still be at a loss of 11 bucks or so.... For a 20 dollar item.... Guess ill just keep it and not deal with the headache of shipping it back.

ETA: I do really like the belt, i love how well it works... I just dont tuck shirts in anymore... Or wear a BDU top anymore... So the buckle shows under my shirt as a bulge... And i dont want people thinking im "happy" all the time LOL

But for anyone who does tuck their shirts in I would quickly recommend this belt.. It goes on and off quick and easy, adjust easy, it's not metal, so you never have to take it off going through secure checkpoints, and i have the 1.5" belt and it seems to fit all normal pants great as well. Sweet belt really... If you dress for it LOL
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