Picture problems

Bill Siegle

Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Oct 3, 2000
I keep having problems loading pics. Sometimes I am told the pic size is too big while using the same size that worked before and when it does work I am given the website not responding box and sign off. When I revisit the site moments later there is my post. I have also been getting a lot of Server is too busy messages lately. About 3 a day for the last few. Please check into this and get back to me when you get a chance.
Bladeforums is outgrowing the hardware again, and that sounds like more symptoms of the overload. I'm afraid we'll be having some problems like that until we can upgrade the server. :(
OKEEDOKE. I was more concerned that something was wrong on my end. Thanks for the heads up.
I changed the pic maximum size to 800x600 to prevent screen wrap. That's not a problem - just make your image size smaller.

As for the other - yeah, we're having growing pains. We're working on it - sorry for the difficulties.

also check that it's not bigger than 100 kb
The server is not working correctly. I attempted to post a 43kb JPEG about a dozen times over a 2 hour period (half of those attempts with a smaller 23kbit photo). The text made it across twice (as in 2/12 attempts) but not the attached photo. I am getting "site not responding" messages every time I try to post a photo, and it has been going on for a couple of weeks irrespective of whether the post actually makes it across.
