Pikal 'Minimalist' type thing??

Apr 10, 2012
I currently EDC a Ban Tang Pikal Lagriffe (effing awesome). My wife really, really likes the blade shape, grind, workmanship, etc.

She currently EDC's an Alan Folts Minimalist, and is married to the design, due to the handle shape.

Is there any way a reverse-edged knife with the blade profile of the Pikal La Griffe could be made, but with a finger-grooved, slim handle?

Thanks for your time.
I think there might be too much temptation to do this:


And on a pikal that means a trip to the emergency room.

Ban has made a few cord wrapped hawkbill EDC's and that gives a pretty agressive grip but probably not as much as a LeGriffe or those deep finger grooves.