Pink LM squirt?


Actually there are two versions of the pink Squirts. The original ones (S & P) were done for Shepherd Hills Cutlery and have the word "Lady" etched just before the Leatherman etching on the scale. As you can see from Moontrails ad, the word "Lady" is not on these.

Best - Joe
JoeBW said:

Actually there are two versions of the pink Squirts. The original ones (S & P) were done for Shepherd Hills Cutlery and have the word "Lady" etched just before the Leatherman etching on the scale. As you can see from Moontrails ad, the word "Lady" is not on these.

Best - Joe

TWO!? Who knew?

I have one. :)
I just ordered an S4 for my fiancee. She was already carrying a Micra. I think a big reason for ordering is that I wanted to see an S4 in person. :D I laready have a P4, which she carried before the Micra, but she likes the Micra's implements more. This S4 has the same implements as the Micra, is her favorite color, and has the same tweezers as my Juice Pro. She used the tweezers on the Juice on our recent trip to Seattle to do some eyebrow plucking, and seemed surprised at how well they worked.