PM2 Bowie

That tall pm2 blade profile just isn't working too well with that clip point for me. I feel like this style blade just needs a nice flat spine to look ok.
I dig it and see it as just another example of Sal and Eric having a genuine enthusiasm for bringing Spyderco fans what they think we want. I'm not sure if it's for me, but I appreciate the effort, and I think it's interesting
It's not the worst I've seen, but I don't plan to get one.
I don't necessarily dislike the fuller, it just the has wrong dimensions.
Just looks too short and fat, kind of capsule-like.
Maybe it's designed to be large enough to use for another opening method but the Spydiehole is already like right there...
I think the problem is that bowie blades are huge.To squeeze a bowie style blade into a knife with a 3.5" blade with slightly over 3" cutting edge doesnt really work too well,and adding the spyder hole the fuller , upswept blade tip, false edge, its just too much going on at once in too little of a space...
The fuller has to go! A 3.5” blade doesn’t need a blood groove. Plus it would probably cheaper eliminating the milling cost for the fuller.. IMHO
A sabre ground blade only might be cool,like the old manix but this is too much...
That is BAD A$$!!!! I'm going to attach a little rattlesnake rattle noise maker to a lanyard to make it the ultimate pocket laser. Ohhhhh yeah!!!

OK, just kidding!!! Hahaha, that is a HARD PASS!!!