Post your user blades

Here's a few of mine





Hey Mike is that a Fiddleback to the left of the northstar?

great looking pics folks... definately keep them coming...:thumbup:

bear-- that is a fiddleback bushcrafter... i love that thing... it just melts in your hand when you hold it... it has a crazy sharp edge too...:eek:
Great pics guys


Great looking Diotte, Jeff was the guy that showed me how to make knives, good guy, great knives,

keep em coming

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Great pics guys


Great looking Diotte, Jeff was the guy that showed me how to make knives, good guy, great knives,

keep em coming


Jeff certainly has a talent for handle ergonomics doesn't he. Wade - I really liked some of the knives on your website. As a Windsorite myself we should chat sometime!
'User blade' pics are absolutely my favorite, good ole' field blades that have seen some luvin. You guys are really cruel to post so many handsome knives though, I just can't handle all of them at once.. :eek:

I've got a ton of cool blades that I like using, and I haven't taken a group photo in a while, so I'll get to that soon. I may wait a couple of days though, because there are goodies coming in the mail that I want to add to the group.:D :D

Oh, hey (mtnfolk) mike- What's that slightly larger camp-type knife on the far left of your pic? Cool blade!
tknife, just to clarify, I didn't mean 1st ever knife from John, I was referring to 1st convex. When I bought mine he said it was his second convex grind. Super knives John makes. I'll try to post my knives later on. Love this thread!!!

I have a ton of knives but these get used a 100 times more than any of the others. Two Kershaws, a Stanly and the Vic Explorer. The Stanley get used the most often.

All my knives are users... I find that use them in rotation cause I have too many. These are the the ones I use the most right now, the Machax is new to me, but I carried it for a while the last couple days, the two knives that get the most use right now are the SAK Trekker and the 12" Tram. I was in the woods today rebuilding a dam on my pond today and used the Tram a lot...


just got the silky so it hasn't been used yet, but i'll be bringing it out tomorrow.

this is what I carry with me all the time

i also have a CS bushman, but... yuck. I really can't stand the thing.
Coaldigger, how do you like the CS kurkri versus the Kurkri House Kurkri?
The coldsteel is the Khuk Machete model ( thin) the Khuk from KH is AWSOME :thumbup: HighCarbon Rolled Steel -3/8" thick (military truck leaf spring) :thumbup: It gets very Sharp & so far it holds an edge pretty good ( have not used it too much) The CS machete is an awsome machete, Great chopper & light to pack, I would recommend it to anyone looking for a good machete :thumbup: With a little work it will shave hair & it holds an awsome edge!