Powdered Steel - Welding in the Can

Jul 8, 2002
Hey all, I have an idea rolling around in this empty head of mine and it involves using powdered metal. I fortunately got 10 pounds of 1080 powdered metal given to me, heck, I didn't even have to pay for the shipping!!!:D I have to thank David Clapp for that, what a great guy.

Anyway, I have a general idea of how you all weld this stuff using a tube, but I am still unclear on many aspects. I don't have a hydraulic forging press, just my 25# L.G. Can I do it with that?

I don't need to keep any particular pattern in the powdered metal, I just need to get it all to weld up.

Any input would be great!

Thanks in advance.
There is no reason why you cant weld it with the power hammer. The real advantage of the press is to keep the billet square and thus keeping the pattern from disforming.

Why not throw in a little pattern of some kind while you are at it?