Price Increase


Oct 19, 2005
I went up a small bit on my prices today guys. Its been over a year since that has happened. Unfortunately, with this kind of depreciation of our dollar, its either raise prices, or cut back on groceries. I like to be up front and tell you guys when I do this. Most models went up only single digit% some more, but never much more. I am not interested in leaving the user market. I love seeing the knives come back used, and I'm honored that you guys cut things with them.

Thanks again and again from me and my family for all your support.
thanks for being up front bud, and no worries on the increase they are worth every penny. Hopefully your business keeps doing good and you keep making knives :thumbup:
After blundering my way through my first two knives, I'm amazed yours don't cost twice what you charge! Heck of a deal!
I like to be up front about my pricing with y'all.

Good question. No. Ordered knives remain at the quoted price.

That is good because I have a standing order for 15-20 per month, so I am locked in!!! :)

(Just kidding, of course...)
I guess it doesn't matter what you charge as I can't order one and the extras you toss out there go so fast I can't snag one. :mad:

Maybe if you doubled the price they would stay around long enough to get one. :rolleyes: