Price of "Clip Insert"

Mar 15, 1999
Maybe I just missed a response to this question but......Why does the "clip insert" cost $20.00 and the "replacement clip" cost only $10.00? It would seem to me that the manufacturing of the "replacement clip" (as well as the amount of titanium used) would be more expensive than that of the "clip insert". Anyone know the reason?

"But if we took out all the bones it would'nt be a crunchy frog."
They would make MORE of the clips verses the inserts, would be my guess.

No offense Gary but if i follow that logic then a set of replacement screws should cost @ $100.00, right? I understand the economics of supply and demand but the cost of an item usually has to be justified and $20.00 for a "clip insert" seems REALLY extreme when a whole new clip is only $10.00. Seems like the clip insert ought to be at least the same price as the "replacement clip". IMHO

[This message has been edited by Hoss (edited 07-03-2000).]
None taken, just that the clip is probably farmed out and the cost per clip at a higher volumne is less than the cost of a custom little piece to fit into that well, and that they probably make in house?

But I'll go back to sleep now and let them answer the question, as I was only speculating any way....


"The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions!"
Take the time to read your Bible Now, don't be left behind...

G2 LeatherWorks
O.K. Gary, I see your point. Had not thought of it that way (custom piece made in house). Still think its overpriced though!!
`Crunchy Frog?' one of my favorite skits, next to the Parrot!!

A nods as good as a wink to a blind bat.

And if we took the bones out it wouldn't be crunchy now, would it?

James Segura
San Francisco, CA
`If we didn't nail him down, he would muscle to the bars of the cage, pull them open and VRooooommmmm away!'
Right Now! This started off a a good little discussion about why the clip inserts were higher priced than the replacement clips and has now degenerated into "Something completly different!" If you don't cut this out right now I'm going to have to post my secert weapon, the "Funniest joke in the world"! BTW did I mention that I have a tape recorder in my nose?
I keep my tape recorder in my brothers nose.

I shall now exit, using my best "Silly Walk."

James Segura
San Francisco, CA

[This message has been edited by stjames (edited 07-03-2000).]

As long as we are off topic, thanks for that sm. Sebenza you sent that was re blasted by Tom Mayo! It saw a lot of use over this weekend (3 large fireworks displays), and I've really grown to like the more classy finish!

How much do you think Tom is going to charge me to blast my $20 clip insert so the knife will fit into my priceless (GREAT) G2 made sheath????


He who has smelt the smoke is never free again...

[This message has been edited by C4 (edited 07-05-2000).]
I DON'T WANT TO GET OFF TOPIC!!! But sometimes ya just gotta go where the river flows (BTW what was the topic? The price of the clip insert or classic Monty Python skits?). Anyways, following the logic of this thread I'd say that it would cost you at least $50.00 to have that $20.00 clip insert "finished" by Tom.
If anyone at Chris Reeve Knives still takes me seriously, I'm still really curious to their response to my question.
Now if I could only figure out the penguin on top of the television set!
Gary's explanation (prior to Monty Python!)was quite correct. We sell under 100 clip inserts in a year and make different sizes for the large and small. There is a chunk of "fiddle-factor" in there!

We use a clip with every Sebenza we make and we sell a reasonable number of replacements too. At various times, other knife makers buy our clips for their own knives. This all adds up to a production cost per unit at considerably less for the clip than that of the clip insert.


So, the clip insert is not going to come any cheeper: we have the final word.

Now, don't you think you could work on Tom for me and get him to blast my clip insert for a reasonable price?? A couple of SMS and a good cigar should do the trick. What about his ego? Tom wouldn't want me to put that clip insert with the crude factory finish into his beautifully re-finished knife...


He who has smelt the smoke is never free again...
Oh well, I was kinda hoping that there might have been another reason why the inserts were higher priced, but again the answer is simple economics, can't win 'em all.
Michael, I can try to work on Tom but if you saw how cluttered his shop was you'd be afraid he'd lose that little clip and never find it again


[This message has been edited by Hoss (edited 07-08-2000).]

Ever done a cost analysis to see what the cost would be to include a clip insert with every knife you sell? I mean that would be a nice option for a $325 dollar knife, even if you had to bump the price to $335.

That way the buyer would have the option up front, instead of having to opt to buy an insert if they choose not to clip the knife to their breeches.


I've got the schizophrenic blues
No I don't
Yes I do...
Oh, and by the by...

Answer me these questions three, 'ere the other side ye see....

What is yer name?

I've got the schizophrenic blues
No I don't
Yes I do...