Proventor blade wobble

Feb 16, 1999
Hey Sal, I just bought a used Provenator from another forum member. The blade is in very good shape but is extremely loose. I get alot of movement with little pressure in both open and closed positions. Is there a quick fix for this problem or should I just send it in. I've got close to a hundred Spydies both new and used and this is by far the loosest one I've ever seen.


who dares, wins

If it is riveted, you might try squeezing it in a vise. Very carefully!!
Use a towel or something to protect the knife, and just "squeeze" it a bit. Then try it. Hope this helps.

I agree with Blades. I fixed blade wobble on my own Pro-Venator this way with a pair of pliers and a piece of felt to prevent scratching on the knife. Easy does it with the pliers, though — if you go too fast, you can over-tighten the pivot pin and make the knife difficult to open (which, thankfully, I avoided).

Tanks guys! I actually thought about using a vise but was a little leery I might damage it. I think I'll try giving it a little squeeze!


who dares, wins
