Question about needles

Aug 13, 2002
I have some harness needles size 000 from C.S. Osborne. I was wondering if those are the right size for sheath work. They seem a little on the large side.


Howdy Patrice -
What size thread are you using? That determines the size needle in part.
The 000 is too big - made for use with 7 cord linen. With the standard 5 cord linen thread a single 0 or #1 (next size smaller than a single 0) is the correct size needle to use......
Thanks Chuck I will add this to my growing list of things to buy on my next trip to Tandy then. I was worried that I needed the pliers far too often while stitching.

By the way, I finished packing the patterns as I thought I could ship them this week but don't have time to stop by the post office today. I'll do my best to go on Monday.

Thanks again.

You're welcome Patrice and no rush on my end - I appreciate the offer..

A hint - get yourself some of those rubber fingertips from an office supply - I wear just one on my index finger and have eliminated the use of pliers except in the most extreme cases. Uou can also wear one on your thumb, but I've found no real need.