Question about selling CPK products

Dec 12, 2001
Nathan, Jo, if this post is out of line with your expectations for acceptable subforum use, then please lock or delete it.

Hey team,

So I've just received an item from the fine folks at CPK. However, it does not meet my current needs, so I intend to move it along to someone who will better utilize it.

To stay in line with Nathan's - don't be an asshole - no markup clause, the item will be priced commensurate to my fully landed cost into Canada plus postage to the new owner.

At this point I would appreciate guidance on the best approach to ensure that someone here on the CPK subforum gets the jump.

Hmm. Good question. If you're talking about a Field Knife, there are a lot of folks that really want one. Maybe Jo would be willing to put you in contact with the next couple of people she was going to contact on the pre-order subforum that ordered a knife in the configuration you have. Give them an opportunity to pick it up and not have to wait. Or you could go find the first person after the allotted number of knives (was it 30? 40?) that wants the same knife you have and PM them to see if they'd like to pick it up. Just be sure to keep Jo in the loop so she isn't surprised.

Of course if one of the CPK people thinks this is a bad idea, then disregard!

If it's not an FK, then I think protocol is putting it up on the For Sale forum. Then it's a free-for-all.
There are a few people in Canada who would likely want one that has already come in to the country. However, if you paid some taxes, shipping that was really high, customs assessment fee, then add on more shipping and Paypal it might be way too much to sell to someone back down south.

I guess you could always PM people who have sigs or posts saying they want it as well!
I suggest to either contact people directly or put it on the exchange. As long as you're not inflating the price to make money (lowering the value), you should be in the clear. I wouldn't mess with the pre-order list. Just my 2-cents.
It is now your knife and you are FULLY entitled to do with it as you wish, whether sell it for a profit, loss or on par: YOUR PROPERTY, YOUR DECISION!

What Nathan was correctly referring to was the kind of speculative behavior which would potentially cause an artificial price raise, hence skewing the real market on his products. A couple of speculative and for profit "catch and releases" would create a false buzz and attract further speculations. A think this is what CPK brass was referring to.

While it is nice and courteous of you to broach this subject on here, you need not ask for permission because that would go against every belief and grain of a free-market ideology. Lastly as Justin has already stated, you may very easily find buyers in Canada which could work out as win-win for you both. Good luck.
It is now your knife and you are FULLY entitled to do with it as you wish, whether sell it for a profit, loss or on par: YOUR PROPERTY, YOUR DECISION!

What Nathan was correctly referring to was the kind of speculative behavior which would potentially cause an artificial price raise, hence skewing the real market on his products. A couple of speculative and for profit "catch and releases" would create a false buzz and attract further speculations. A think this is what CPK brass was referring to.

I think that this is probably correct. Perhaps Nathan will chime in as well to clarify. I'm actually in a similar situation because I have decided that I'm not going to use my "racing" LC, so I am eventually going to put it up for sale at cost plus shipping. I would like to sell it to someone on this forum, but I'm pretty sure the exchange is the only option.
I think that this is probably correct. Perhaps Nathan will chime in as well to clarify. I'm actually in a similar situation because I have decided that I'm not going to use my "racing" LC, so I am eventually going to put it up for sale at cost plus shipping. I would like to sell it to someone on this forum, but I'm pretty sure the exchange is the only option.
LOL......I hope you purged your inbox after this statement :eek:
To be clear: I wouldn't presume to have a say in what people do with their property.

I personally have no problem with someone selling their knife at a profit.

I do have a problem with someone swooping in to one of the Friday sales and snatching up the work before everyone else with the intent of turning around and selling it to those people at a mark up. <--- that's what I would have a problem with. And if price gouging speculators become a problem I'll exercise my right not to sell to those people.

That's all. I have no delusions of being able to tell folks what they can and can't do.

There for a little while the work was very difficult for folks to acquire and there were people I'd see at the sales every week and missing out. Shortages like that are a bummer for everybody. I didn't want someone capitalizing on that problem to rip people off. I forget how the conversation was even started, to my knowledge this has not become a problem.
Nathan: let's not forget that there's also an element of excitement and adrenaline rush associated with the Friday's Sales. It's that proverbial rush one gets from the chase, hunt and "kill". You can certainly have more control over the secondary market of your products by having a preorder list. I know that is something you rather avoid, but you will also have to put up with a bit of this pain-in-the-arse (not me!) to control and protect your own rightful turf. The for-profit speculators will be very easily sussed out! I doubt if anyone would want to sit on a $450 CPK-LC or a $250 CPK-FK months on end to avoid your filter. A person may want to sell his CPK once or twice because of mistake in ordering, surplus to requirement reasons but a few times in a short space of time? Well that becomes a pattern which you will probably not tolerate.

All that said, I believe that the potential speculators will find out that it is quite difficult to profit handsomely on a $450 blade albeit in limited and tight production cycles. Once the production ceases, well the price may go up to who know what?! By that time, you've sold all your batches already and yet hopefully still kept a few for your own museum of CPK history! ;)
it would be cool to have a 'swap meet' thread in this forum, for folks who want to buy, sell or trade CPK stuff.
it would be cool to have a 'swap meet' thread in this forum, for folks who want to buy, sell or trade CPK stuff.

I like that idea. The people here are dedicated to CPK and it's a great community. It would increase the chance that someone who is serious about the knives would get a shot at owning one. As opposed to someone on the general For Sale who may have heard that CPK makes a good knife so why not? Guess I'll buy it...
I think that this is probably correct. Perhaps Nathan will chime in as well to clarify. I'm actually in a similar situation because I have decided that I'm not going to use my "racing" LC, so I am eventually going to put it up for sale at cost plus shipping. I would like to sell it to someone on this forum, but I'm pretty sure the exchange is the only option.

I'll take it! :p
It would seem to be contrary to the BladeForums grain as buying/selling/trading seems to be corralled in The Knife Exchange section. Also, for example, the Bussekin sales forum is a sub of the Exchange. I don't know what BF's formal stance is on this, but I'd guess any actual buying/selling/trading/price discussion would be relegated to the Exchange.

I think this can happen organically, without an overt initiative for it, and likely already does, by people making their wants known in their signatures and through PM's.

All that said, I support the idea. :D
Fiddleback Forge has their own sales thread a their subforum, known as the Fiddleback Flea Market.
This is not to be confused with the Fiddleback Friday sales, which coincidently happen at the same time as the CPK sales.
It works exceedingly well for them & the Fiddleback community...
I think the only limitation is that anyone listing something for sale has to be a gold member or higher.

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I like the idea of dealing with folks on this subforum. Subscribing so I can see how this shakes out.