I think I have purged my system of the wants for a heavy more tactical knife. At least for now. The Talmadge Tactical Kitchen Knife looks so great as do all of his knives but I don't think I can justify the price. I like Dozier's knives the more I look at them. I really like the Professional guide but again I am kind of hung up on price. I am sure they are worth it but I could get both a BRKW Northstar and Mini-Canadian for the same price. Can a single Dozier compete with a good pair of BRKW. Also from what I read both D2 and A2 will hold an edge very well and A2 is easy to sharpen while D2 is not. I am not the best at sharpening to start with. Anyone have any comparisons between Dozier D2 and BRKW A2?