question time..

Oct 15, 1998
O.K. guys, a newbie alert!!
I come into this forum rarely.
I've searched around but can't find out...What is a PGA?
I've got a lot of other questions, but right now that's the one that is driving me nuts. :)
Pala's (Owner of HI) Give Aways.
Pala is trying to raise cash to move to a safer location, so Uncle Bill is selling Khuks at ridiculously low prices. Great way to pick up a good one.
Thanks for the info.
I bounced around the FAQ and the HI site but didn't stumble across PGA's.
Originally posted by shappa
Thanks for the info.
I bounced around the FAQ and the HI site but didn't stumble across PGA's.

Tom the PGA's are unique to the forum, UBDOTD may be as well and that stands for "Uncle Bill's Deal of the Day" in case you happen to run across it.
Welcome to the Cantina!!!!:) It's usually a pretty quiet place though we tend to get rowdy once in a while.;)

What are you getting for your first khukuri?:D
Pala's Give Aways are recent, since his visit a few weeks ago. There are also Uncle Bill's Deals Of The Day (which aren't on the HI site, or FAQ either). UBDOTDs used to throw newbies (me included). They, too, incite feeding frenzy.
I was fortunate to catch a "Newbie" alert giving a lowdown on all the lingo when I started lurking around. If you want to know something (and have LOTS of time on your hands:D ) searching the archives is a good way to learn lots of stuff and kill an afternoon.

Speaking of PGA's - I think there's a blem Mala and WWII still lurking around. The feeding frenzies have been well sedated since last Friday!
Maybe Howard will put up a glossary of terms someday when he has a little time on his hands.