
The beauty of this, of course, is that there are no off-topic threads in this forum. So we can start all the bear/gun/zombie/etc threads we want to without ever putting that silly "OT" in the title line again. :thumbup:
So, when the conversation returns to Khukuris, we should put OT in the heading.

MauiRob said:
Did anyone see this? Not being cranky, I am just surprised it got zero responses:confused:

Or would it violate the rules of the OT forum...can we discuss khuks in here if the mood strikes us?

About Yangdu posting DOTD here. Why not? Let's move over to the Cantina and do our deals here!

I would imagine (question here) that we still can not post our sales, or links to sales here in the Cantina???
I don't know, but I haven't changed anything and didn't even think about keeping two links or two windows open.

I log onto the HI forum and read the knife threads, and then click at the top of the page and join my friends in the Cantina to talk about anything we like, and then back down one subdirectory to the HI forum again and meet the same folks to talk about today's deals. For sure I would expect to see the Deals of the Day and Yangdu's Best Buys on the parent forum where they have always been.

I don't see that it will be a big problem.

Bill Marsh said:
I would imagine (question here) that we still can not post our sales, or links to sales here in the Cantina???

We may be able here, they wouldn't compete with HI sales...and they are as off topic as anything else. I would think that anything that is not inflammatory or downright rude should be allowed.

Heck...I suppose even BF would be allowed in.:thumbdn:
I log onto the HI forum and read the knife threads, and then click at the top of the page and join my friends in the Cantina to talk about anything we like, and then back down one subdirectory to the HI forum again and meet the same folks to talk about today's deals. For sure I would expect to see the Deals of the Day and Yangdu's Best Buys on the parent forum where they have always been.

Yeah, now that I have had some time to get used to it it's no big deal.

To be honest the only thing that worries me is that we will become divided....but no sense worrying about what may or may not happen. We'll make the best of it.