red deer tine

Jun 25, 2001
this one is headed out today too ..
the blade is run of the mill but I like the way the red deer antler turned out
do you? it was white when I started.
I like the color, but I wanna see the whole knife and sheath!! :D
sorry Mike
it's packed up and ready to go.. :(
it's just my m#122 and my normal pouch sheath..
Very nice. I do like the white though.Got a couple old old horns I turned into handles came out kinda nice. I'll post as soon as I re-up.
Take Care
Where's the rest of the Knife!?

Nice job on the antler Dan, what did you use to stain it?
thanks guys Will this one for just the Antler.
The camera wasn't being friendly to me...

Permanganate for the coloring
Thanks Dan, I've looked everywhere for Potasium Permanganate and have come up empty. I've heard it said that Walmart sells it, any idea what product name?

Thanks, realy like the way it makes the antler turn out.
thanks Guys

Will,, walk right into your sears store
and go to the water purification department
it's right on the shelf with the Kenmore supplies
a small 6 oz bottle of the crystals is about $7.00 and will last a long time.

if you go to a drug store they won't sell it to you with out a doc's prescription :confused: because they say it's an expositive :confused:
sure if you mix the right stuff with it.. :)

Kenmore # or sears?
potassium permanganate
for use to regenerate manual iron removal filters

this link is one I put up before I found it at sear but is good for warning on the stuff..
Looks great! I've got a bench full of antlers that I didn't want to use because they were faded and pretty blah looking. Is it as simple as just soaking them or is there more to it than that? Tuck