restoring a disused straight edge, and some soap questions

Jan 4, 2007
my dad has a straight edge razor (holow ground and plastic handle) thats probably a little over 40 years old (im assuming he bought it new before he took it to south america where he used it to just kind of clean up his beard for a year). it has not been used for probably 38 years give or take. it has some rust on the tail end and a little up on the spine. the edge seems to be pretty sharp still and i didnt really notice any rust on the blade.

how should i go about getting this cleaned up so i can at leastt try using it?

i dont really want to learn, at least for now, how to sharpen it and all just want to learn the basic maintance for daily use so i know i am atleast going to get some one to sharpen it for me. i saw at that they sharpen and fix up razors that have a bad edge, does any one know if they can do a restoration of this or am i going to have to do most of the cleaning and just have them resharpen it?

now for the soap, this might be kind of basic but i really dont know anything. for shaving mugs are you jsut supposed to leave the soap in, get a little water and get a nice lather up in the cup then wash it all out or do you just get a little later up on the soap and scrape it off into the cup then lather it up more?

for a brush i see that there is a range form 25 bucks to 325 bucks for brushes, i know it is a lot of the quality of hair and assembly but what is a reasonable price range to get a good brush for daily use?

Go over to This is the most active
website regarding straight razors.

Several people over there perform honing, clean up, grinding and handle replacement. It is best if you have a pic of the razor.
Just register and post in the Restoration forum.