Review of the Leatherman Juice S2

Regarding the knife - I find it perfectly adequate but I prefer the wider blade and shape of the SAK. The fact that it opens without opening the pliers means it gets a lot more use. It takes a very sharp edge and its edge retention is good as well. It cuts really well, much better than most so-called tactical knives due to its thin profile. All in all, it is perfect for cutting, and if you want to pry etc, there are much better tools on the Juice for that purpose.

Saved my behind the other day when I jammed a floppy disk in a computer right before a lecture. Tried unsuccessfully to get it out without the Juice, but the Juice had no problems. I certainly would not normally have a full sized multitool on me in that situation.

Also, just wanted to say it is also perfect for fishing. The pliers do fine for tightening knots, cutting trace material, unjamming rusted cotter pins, fixing electrical things on the boat, fixing reels, food preparation etc. The knife can, in a pinch be used to clean fish, but I prefer a fixed blade is much easier to clean.