Rip offs


How long have you been buying custom knives and how many do you own.

Dont buy through the mail. Bad advice. Actually many people do buy works of art through the mail and the internet. They put their trust in those that have earned it.

Big cutlery stores that carry custom knives. Name 3. Then further discuss the knowledge level of those who will be helping you with your purchase.

Major shows, what if you live in North Dakota? Do you spend hundreds of dollars in expense just to look? For the cost of a plane ticket you could own the knife.

The lesson here is to deal with those who have earned your trust.

As one who sells Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars worth of knives through the mail (ok FEDEX) I can tell you there are people who you can trust.

Les Robertson
Robertson's Custom Cutlery
I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.
I have bought from Les, and wouldn't hesitate to do it again. Jay and Karen at AZCK are great also.
These are people doing business the right way and are not out to make one sale and burn a bridge. I'm sure there are other dealers as well, but these are the only ones I have personal experience with. I have also dealt directly with makers and have not yet been disappointed.
Maybe I'm even more of a "greenie" but living in Maui, HI I have no choice but to buy custom, as well as production knives, by mail. I think it just involves a lot of research, communication and tremendous trust. I just received a sebenza in the mail that I traded for a Pesh Kabz (Thanks Brian!!). This was the first trade for both of us and I'll tell you it was really hard putting that Pesh in the mail without seeing the sebenza or knowing the other guy would hold up his end of the deal (No offense Braian!!). My buddy thought I was absolutely nuts! Got the sebenza today and am extremely happy with the deal (I'm sure Braian will be too). It is VERY satisfying to know that there are still SOME gentleman left in this world who are good on their word. It would be wonderful if I could go to a knife show and handle all sorts of knives then make a decision but, due to my geographics, impossible (price you pay for paradise!). If I do ever get "scammed" or "taken" on a knife(and I'm sure it will happen someday) all I can do is make sure I look that person up when I'm in their area and have a "bit of a talk", even if it is 20 years later. An elephant never forgets and neither does a "HOSS" Aloha!!
I have no rip-offs to report, but I did have a recent transaction with A.T. Barr,(my first). I really love the knife, and A.T. treated me like we had been doing business for 20 years. An artist, and a gentlemanIMHO
Neil Blam
No ripoffs to report here. It seems most people here are pretty trusting though cause I've sent hundreds of dollars to buy knives posted on the net, and I've had guys send me $$ for stuff I was selling.

Les Robertson is one of the best sources for knives. His service is just about the best. The last time I talked to him my order was in my hands in less than 24 hrs. From GA. to HI. in less than a day is pretty good.
Hoss, If you live in Hawaii you should be familiar with Ron Lui, Tom Mayo, Stan Fujisaka, Ken Onion, George Gibo, and Carl Zabaki, all Hawaiian custom makers. Their knives are available in a variety of price ranges, and you can see them before you buy.
Aloha Bud! I know of a few of those makers (you forgot Vince Evans) but the only one I've been able to find/handle here on Maui is Tom Mayo's knives (beautiful by the way). I do my best when I travel to Oahu but thats always with the wife, therefore knife shopping can be pretty limited! Going to California in May (City of Orange, CA, right by you Bud) so I'll see what I can find while there, any suggestions?? Aloha!
If my only choice was to try to by customs locally I would have about a dozen Elishewitz knives and maybe a Randall, and I even live in California.

Because of people like Les Robertson or AZCK I can get a good idea from the web site as to what I'm getting myself into and they have always been upfront and honest about any questions I have -- it really isn't their game to just hard sell a knife.

In the end I've always been pleasantly suprised with what arrived.

I won't even go into how great it has been to talk to people like Darrel Ralph and Randy Martin, using email as a medium to have them custom make a knife.

to Juan Mendez and others interested in this topic of rip-offs:
I agree that there are a few rotten apples in the knifemaking barrel but I have found over the years that the vast majority are decent,reasonable people.
With respect to your specific experiences: D'Holder is no longer the president of the Guild. He was replaced last year by Al Pendray. I, as aboard menber was not made aware of your complaint to the president at the time but I can assure you that if you have a valid complaint at this time and that the offending makers are Guild members, the the complaint will be attended to. Here is the procedure:
1. write (not call) the president with a clear explanation of what happened and when.
2. enclose copies of any corroborating documents such as receipts, letters,photos or other related materials.
3. make aclear statement of what you beleive is due you or how you would like the matter resolved.
When the president receives this info, he may call the knifemaker informally and try to work out the problem ( which is usually effective- maybe 90 percent of the time) or he will have the Guild attorney notify the maker and let him know that he has 30 days to address the problem.
If the maker does not reach some sort of satisfactory understanding with the offended party, the Board of Directors may review the situation and mandate a conclusion . If the maker does not comply, the Board can fine him, suspend him or expel him from the Guild.
All of the above have occurred at one time or another but let me be brutally frank with you......the Board does not always find that the maker is always in the wrong. We try to be as fair as possible but we have found that that there can be unreasonable customers as well as knifemakers.
We are trying our best to protect the business of custom knifemaking and to preserve the good name of the craft, It isn't always easy especially when both parties believe themselves to be in the right!
I hope this has been of some help to you and the others on this thread.....actually, i get to spend so little time on the computer that I would much rather talk about the more pleasant side of knives! best of luck , Bob
Hoss, Our office is in the city of Orange. I and Maggie are going to Hawaii on May 8th. Will be there shooting shop tours and vacationing until May 16. George Gibo is on the island of Hawaii, the others are all on Oahu. The guy I "missed" is now living in Arizona. He and Grace are really nice. Let me know when you're coming. Sorry this is off subject, but I haven't your e-mail address.
Juan Mendez, Bob Terzuola, or Les Robertson

What ever became of this? Its old new, but never the less important IMHO.

E-mail me private if you prefer.

Ray 'md2020'

ATKI member #A001042
originally posted 03-03-99.....a while back. but no matter. As a knifemaker I believe this was handled in a very cordial and respectable manner.....unlike the attempted politcal coup which is now taking place in our country.

After Juan told me who the maker was, I recommended to him that he go through the Guild.

I know that Bob Terzuola got involved.

However, I have no idea of the outcome of this matter.

Les Robertson
Custom Knife Entrepreneur