Rivets instead of screws?

I am here... ... ...

You didn't offend me. The knife is of a sturdy design other than the rivets. After I finish with my modifications I will inform you of my results. I already replaced the toggle rivet, next I will replace the pivot pin with an adjustable pivot from me retired SOG autoclip. I should have it done tonight.

It must be noted that I rarely pick something up with out ideas running through my head as to how I can improve upon it. No knife or gun I own has gone unmodified . The slight failure of the Goddard allowed me a chance to add my touches to it without too much guilt. I do feel bad that I broke my Girlfriend's knife (she is the only thing I haven't tried to change
), but then again this gives me an excuse to buy her the Blue Native.(even though she prefers purple).hehehe...

Do you need any (sick) guys to beat any knives up in the field



"No, it's a Vaquero Grande in my pocket, but I am happy to see you!"
MegaFolderians Unite!!
Dremel Junkies Unite!
Dyslexics Untie!
