Robert E. Hunt Randall Book Critique


Jan 11, 2001
Four days ago, I received my copy of RANDALL FIGHTING KNIVES IN WARTIME by Robert E. Hunt. I have not read any of the text. I have only looked at the photographs. Mr. Hunt's work in bringing together older Randall knives along with authentic military artifacts is outstanding.

However, I must say that the quality of the photography in my copy of the book is mediocre. Visually scanning many of the photographs in the book, it is not very difficult for me to find at least a portion of the photograph that appears to be out of focus. In some cases, entire photographs appear to be out of focus such as pages 82, 83, 108, 109, and 171. I do not know if this is because of printing problems or photography problems.

I am returning my copy for replacement because of defective printing
on pages 99 and 111.
It appears you are more interested in photography than the book's content. Bob never professed to being a photographer. He does do a very fine job of presenting a lot of old, war time, Randalls with some great copy on all of them. There are also six essay type stories about Randalls including an update on Springfield Randalls. For $44.95 the book is a steal. See details about ordering this fine book on Randalls at

To my non-professional eye, the pictures are great also.


Rhett Stidham
President/Founder Randall Knife Society
I am neither a professional photographer nor an author. My criticism of this book is from a consumer's point of view and is directed at the photographs. The photographs comprise a very substantial portion of the entire contents of the book. I doubt that there would be as many buyers for this book if it were text only.
It is my understanding that Bob Hunt did alot or most of the pictures himself and he stated that he is not a professional.
However I picked up a copy in Atlanta at the Blade show from Bob and my copy is GREAT.
While different cameras {depending mostly on the price of the lens} will definately take sharper pictures in my copy, it seems that the pictures are right on and as sharp as they need to be to see all of the important details.
My guess is that you got a bad printing job on the copy that you received.
The photos on pages 99 and 111 are defective in my book as well. Other than that I LOVE this book. Can't put it down!!! Many thanks to Bob for all his time and effort.