SAK ATTACK!!! (warning: lots of pictures)

Hi MG Saldivar. Thanks for your advice. I will explore the use of the editor to reduce the file size. Regards.
my new Evogrip 18



Hi Revolvergeek.

Thanks for teaching me how to upload the images via imagevenue. I really appreciate your assistance. However, I must admit that I am still unable to upload the images as the file size is more than 3 MB which far exceed the limit of 1.5 MB. Perhaps I'll ask my colleague to teach me to reduce the size.

Once again, thanks for your help.

Download Irfanview. It is a free image editor and it rocks. It will let you crop your pictures and resize them. You can just drop them to half their original resolution, or set them to a specific resolution (say 800x600, etc). That should fix your size problems right up.

I think I have managed to post my first picture in the forum. Thanks to Danny (Revolvergeek) and MG Saldivar.
My collection of SAK comprising Wenger Giant, Swiss Champ XAVT, Swiss Champ XLT, Swiss Champ, Work Champ XL and Traveller Lite.

I think I have managed to post my first picture in the forum. Thanks to Danny (Revolvergeek) and MG Saldivar.

Congrats, Grandis! You're welcome. :thumbup:

For your post No. 47, it looks like you need to adjust your tags as follows:

(I.e., add the "[/IMG]" for each image URL)
all you guys have really nice knives,and im impressed (envious) with the photos of your knives, really nicely lit, well shot photos, impressive.
Congrats, Grandis! You're welcome. :thumbup:

For your post No. 47, it looks like you need to adjust your tags as follows:

(I.e., add the "[/IMG]" for each image URL)

OK Thanks MG Saldivar. Let me give a try.

pipedreams i really love your japanese art work SAKS very cool-please tell me about them-id love to have something like those


your rosewood champ-tell me about the diagonaly color under the shield-never seen this

very cool stuff indeed

and to those with the really large swiss champs xlt cyber tools and the like -they look really cool but they seem to be so wide that i ask, are they really practical to work with?

-they look too large to hold, or to hold with comfort and precise control, and so wide as to make certain applications -like fitting into a confined space to access a screw- not possible, but as a collector piece or even a tool for the tool box/suitcase-could be pretty great
Nice pics of Vics fellas, keep 'em coming. Here are a few of mine, of course, I have to add lanyards to all of mine.

Stormdrane, may I ask how you learned to tie such beautiful lanyards? From a website? From a book? They are fantastic !!
