SAK- Ideal number of layers?

Jul 28, 2003
So what is everyone's favorite number of layers- the number that determines your perfect Swiss Army Knife (the one that has the tools you want/or pretty close with the least number of backsprings)?

Mine is 3 layers. I had the original Tinker and I realized one day that a Climber I saw looked better and felt better in my hand, so I got a Climber and my new SAK favorite the Super Tinker. I can tolerate up to four layers, but even my Explorer (4 layers) tends to get shafted on getting EDC'd just because it's bulky and loses all of its ergonomics :(. Not to mention the fact that I have not yet had any serious need for a magnifying glass, corkscrew, or miniscrewdriver (which I added post-purchase).

I also think SAK's start to make big compromises with a lot of tools. Granted, any model with the weaker half-length backsprings is making a compromise on the walk-and-talk front, but further I think that when you look at a Cybertool 34 for instance it because incredibly hard to use the tool in terms of using a screwdriver, and over 3/4 layers and I think multi-tools like the Leathermans begin to win over on the ergonomics front, even if they lose out on quality, fit and finish, and weight.

AND: Is your choice based on ergonomics or weight? For instance, even if a two-layer or one-layer SAK might feel better in your pocket, does that win over lack of ergonomics that such a thin knife would have or vice-versa?

Edit: Speaking of SAK width: Vincent (UnknownVT): I know you EDC a Victorinox Scientist (for those of you unfamiliar, it's a downsized Yeoman with only two layers, using the combo tool instead of adding another layer for two separate openers and a small blade). I was wondering if the custom stag scales you had done are any wider than the factory cellidor ones (even in terms of swelling)? Just idle curiousity :D
I find 3 layers to right balance for weight, ergonimics and tools. 4 layers max, bigger than that, the multi-tool wins out.

My EDC is a 4 layer Vic Huntsman though I do feel it is a little bit thick, I often carry my 3 layer Vic Farmer which I feel is great in terms of width, fine in the pocket and fine in the hand.

2 layers. Sometimes (very rarely) 3. Everything I desire can be crammed into 2 layers. I just wish there were more 2 layer models available.

I've sold quite some knives recently to fund some other purchases, and from what I've left I'm tempted to get this one:


I have an Explorer, and in my opinion 4 layers is ideal for pocket carry because of weight. For sheath carry, however, I'd say more layers are fine. If I carried with a sheath I'd probably of purchased a Swiss Champ instead of an Explorer.
I say even 4 layers really needs a sheath. My fieldmaster seems a little heavy in pocket when I'm wearing dockers.
My Rucksack (2 layers) is confortable in both the pocket and in the hand. I also have a Tradesman (3 layers.) It needs a sheath. It's not very ergonomic either--although, it doesn't really need to be. I'm sorta looking for a compromise.

I'd have to say 2 layers is ideal for me. Paired up with a multi-tool, there isn't much that I can't handle with a Soldier at work, the awl is great for prodding into things and it's tough. Or for a social gathering I tend to carry a spartan. It's great for the little things that crop up, especially the corkscrew when the wine comes out. These both fit perfectly in my jeans watch pocket next to my zippo.
3 layers for pocket carry is OK if it's long enough. My OHO Trailmaster seems to seat well.
4 layers and thicker i wear a sheath. The thickest i'd go is the Champion. The Swiss Champ is just too clumsy for my hands. Now the XLT is cool:D That has some serious gadget factor to it. Great for parties where you know you'll be known as "the guy with the Swiss Army Knife".

Steely_Gunz said:
The thickest i'd go is the Champion. The Swiss Champ is just too clumsy for my hands.


Ditto. Too bad the champion has been discontinued. I just bought a couple; one to use and one to put up. The Swiss Champ is just too big.
shootist16 said:
Ditto. Too bad the champion has been discontinued. I just bought a couple; one to use and one to put up. The Swiss Champ is just too big.

What is the difference between the two? I thought Swiss Champ was a replacement for Champion with only a few additions to the tool mix. Am I living in a fool's paradise?
It's basically the same, but adds pliers. I know, just one layer, but it's a *thick* layer!
I find that the idel number of layers depends on how it's carried.

In dress pants, it's hard to beat a 2-layer Soldier or Tinker.

In jeans, though, 3-4 adds a lot of utility without much bulk (see Super Tinker or Electrician Plus).

Any SAK that's thicker than it's tall (5+ layers, usually; CyberTool 34, Ranger, etc.) really wants to live in a belt sheath.

And, of course, the really thick ones like the CyberTool 41 or Champ, are nearly too awkward to use, much less carry!
I've carried my SwissChamp in the front pocket of my bluejeans. I now prefer the nylon belt holster, but I can still pocket the SwissChamp if I need to.
Gryffin said:
I find that the idel number of layers depends on how it's carried.

In dress pants, it's hard to beat a 2-layer Soldier or Tinker.

In jeans, though, 3-4 adds a lot of utility without much bulk (see Super Tinker or Electrician Plus).

Any SAK that's thicker than it's tall (5+ layers, usually; CyberTool 34, Ranger, etc.) really wants to live in a belt sheath.

And, of course, the really thick ones like the CyberTool 41 or Champ, are nearly too awkward to use, much less carry!

Agreed, but with one quibble: It's totally cool to be able to pull your CyberTool 41 from its belt holster and casually adjust a screw. :D
5 layer Huntsman Lite (the saw layer is a small layer) in pocket is not too bad.

Anything less and I'm lacking useful tools.

Anything more and it goes in a sheath.
I have an Explorer and a Fireman, both with four layers, I find them very comfortable to grip since the handles cross-section is almost square. The width is no problem for me since I use belt pouches when I carry those.

Jaime Orozco.
I find that 40 some odd layers, tends to be a bit much for pocket carry.:D


But actually I've carried a Champion or Swiss Champ in the pocket virtually for 20 years, until just switching to a Stayglow Hiker.
