Sal, Thank You And What About The Military Man T-Shirts?

Oct 2, 1998
What do you think about the "Military Man" t-shirts? If you nix the idea, that will be okay but Dexter and I will be hurt.

Seriously Sal, I really think this idea would fly. Like I said, ALL profits would go to this forum or a knife charity of choice. Thanks Sal.
Gene - We would need to see the shirt and show it to mangement crew. If everyone approves then, we may have a shirt. However, It must conform to Spyderco's core philosphies, which are difficult to explain in less than 6 months of dialog. Essentially, we don't like to offend prople. Also "Man who beat on own chest knock self over backwards", so a little humility goes a long way. Why don't you make up a sketch and Email me at the office. Also, Spark & Mike would have to approv e if it is to be a shirt.
Thank you Sal for the response. Dexter and I are collaborating on the final design and will send it as soon as I have it made up. It will be very tasteful and strictly adhere to Spyderco, (and this forum's), quality standards.

I would definitely make sure that Mike would approve it. I think though that because it would be a shirt for us C36 lovers, (and believe me there's a bunch), it would be a separate entity from Mike and Sparks' plans for a forum tee. I would still seek their approval, because any profits made would go to this forum and your company.

Thank's again Sal. Also, thank you Mike and Spark for a great forum!

Count me in, I'm now a fellow Military Man.
Mine is serrated, wish I had a plain edge, but it's still a pretty damn good knife.
Anyone wanna trade a plain for a toothy ?
Count me in as well. I have been a "Military man" since early '97. I have no complaints about the knife whatsoever. I carried it with me the whole time I was stationed in Korea and still carry it as my primary blade.
By the way it is a plain edge.
I have seen the newer models and I will eventually acquire one of those as well.
This is my first experience with 440-V and with a flat grind on a knife. I am a hard-core fan and encourage any who ask to get one of their own.
To Sal and the crew at Spyderco: Keep up the good work. I look forward to conducting more business with you.
What's this about a T-shirt? Count me in on that as well.

Norwegian Misfit

"When strong, appear weak"

I've had my Military for less than a month and love this knife. Thin, comfortable, near perfect sized blade, nice blade geometry, flat grind, 440V steel, G-10 scales. Would I like a t-shirt, heck yea! I'm all ready debating if I should sell my BM bali-song, just to get another military(new version).
Make a post if/when they get made.