Salyani 17.5" incoming

Looks great let us know what you think about it when it comes in. What are you going to use that long blade for, using or collecting?
Will be for using during hiking and out in the woods. This one will be attached to my backpack.
It's a pretty enormous blade to be hiking around with- at the same time though I doubt any man or beast would give you trouble with such a terrifying half moon blade on your person
Looks pretty Awesome and sounds like good times. I'm still trying to decide which one I want to get being it'll be my first Khukuri. There seem to be quite a selection which is great.
I have a couple of Kailash Blades - the quality is fantastic and they are lively in the hand....

I really like the 11" Panawal - fits nice in the hand, sharp and light on the belt
The M43 - is a great one - gave this to my son who lives in Philly for security/safety. When in hand - feels like it is ready to move - fit and finish is very very good. He likes it very much. It is on the night stand
The MK1 - Fort Williams - has a nice feel to it. I have large hands - and the traditional size fits my hand. The blade has grown on me - when handled - it is light and quick but with some power in the strike. It can be carried on belt (a touch heavy) but the blade can do anything - trimming branches, cutting veges/meat - and it needed for defense - it would come out on top
The 17" Panawal - I consider that my chainsaw - I chopped through branches and saplings - in one feel chop. Need to watch and consider safety when this one is in motion as it will go through and want to keep all my toes!!!! This one is cleaned up and hanging on my shelf
The 17.5" Salyani - based on its traditional shape and function - once I saw it - had to have it. Once I get it and use - will be my main general backpack attached blade - while my belt will have 11" Panawal or MK1.

If I had to choose one, thankfully not, I would have to say the 11" Panawal is very nice or Fort WIlliams MK-1 would be my first choices.
Sounds like you have some experience with them with that list. I'm looking at The Ft. Williams MK-1 but with the M43 handle. What do you think? I just like the overall looks of that blade and handle. Thanks for the info very nice of you. đź‘Ť
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Sounds like a plan. On my original review/thoughts on MK1 - I stated and stand-by what I said "do not walk - run to the site to order it" if you are thinking about it. The fit/finish is fantastic, the blade has a spirit/feel to it.

You will not be disappointed - if the MK-1.
Thanks a lot, I need to list an unused FK Modern bowie I've had for a couple of years so I can pick up a couple of these blades. I've got the Khukuri itch pretty bad. Heck as much as I paid for that beast I could have purchased 3 of these blades. Live and learn I guess.
I should be getting this in about a day or two. A 17.5" Salyani. Looks fantastic
Hello, I have a quick question, I received a 15.5" Salyani along with 15.5 inch Mutiny and would love to post pics of mine as well but I have had difficulties in posting pics of mine. I remember that Bladeforums had a policy of accepting pics from hosting services. Is that still the case? I would love to post the pics sent of my khukuris along with a brief review of mine.
