Scythes--Good site.

Jan 26, 2002
Interesting stuff here--

The workshop section describes sharpening a blade by peening and they also sell some long slender whetstones that look like they'd work well for khuks. They sell a baby anvil that looks interesting. (Since the scythes are sharpened only on one side, everything will not be directly applicable to khuks)

And you could buy a scythe, too.

(edited to include link:rolleyes: )
I have a project that requires peening a damaged edge just like that workshop section describes. I'll feel more confident working on the edge repair, having read the technique.

Thanks again!

En Ferro Veritas
Thought somebody might find it useful. Don't know how hard the European scythe blades are. They sure are prettier than the American style. Those guys are the only web site I could find that has them.