Sebenza - Myth or Legend?

Before you go shelling out the money for a sebenza and then the entry fees for the cult and so on... you should check out a benchmade pinnacle.
Its got an all Ti frame locking handle that has better grip retention and is more comfortable than a sebenza ( according to lots of people, I personally haven't handled a sebenza) The steel is ATS34 so thats a very small step down from the BG 42, but its a nearly full flat grind and very hefty.
Another plus to the 750 is the spacer in the back. The one it comes with is made of plastic, but it wouldn't be hard at all to make a replacement out of Ti,Micarta or G10. And its got 2 screws going through it which is probably stronger than the coin type spacer on a sebenza.
And best of all it can be found for right around $100.
They take some work to thin down the edge when you first get it, but I got mine done in less than an hour with a good set of bench stones and some elbow grease. It really cuts now and I haven't had any problems with the edge chipping or rolling. It actually will do a lot of cutting before it gets dull.
Just my 2 cents.

I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer... but I've got the sharpest knife in the room.
With two knives like that!! Carry them both. I love the MTs, they are great, but if I had so say I would side with the Sebenza.
I have a large classic, and a small wood inlay sebenza, and I have literally hundreds of other knives. The small wood inlay, is the best knife I own, it cuts better than any other folder I have, it is extremely attractive, unlike my other favorite knife, my spyderco delica. The sebenzas have as good of fit and finish as you will find on any knife, either custom or production. They are have an extremely strong and reliable locking system, and they are built like tanks. Chris Reeves Knives has a great reputation for customer service if anything were to go wrong with your knife, so as long as you don't do something stupid with your sebenza or loose it, it will last you a lifetime, and more. I have a few high end custom folders, and many highend factory knives, and my sebenzas are the two best built knives I own.
You have a great point Matt. When I bought my Sebenza there was no Pinnacle. The frame lock was unique to CRK. Dont get me wrong My Sebenza has earned coveted status with me that only a tool you carry and use hard regularly can .... buttt .....If I were making the choice today it would be hard to ignore the pinnacle at -200.


My Knife Page
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Posted by Dashunde:

I'm on the verge of retiring my everyday-carry, do-all trusty SOCOM for the likes of a Sebenza... So I want to hear all of the good, the bad, and the ugly.</font>'re going from one "great" knife to another "great" knife ! !

Second......I, at one time, was at the same cross road that you're at.

Third.......I made the move !

Finally.....I still rotate daily knife carry ! Of the seven or eight.....a MT SOCOM and a large plain Sebenza.

My recommendation.....don't retire the SOCOM ~ carry both!

"Livin' Life - Full Throttle"
"Happiness is a belt-fed weapon & a Walter Brend Model 2!"

[This message has been edited by GigOne (edited 12-22-2000).]
To me it is not myth or legend, just a real good knife, that works well and continues to do so every time it is used.
I like my Sebenza, but have often questioned whether I should keep it. Mostly because I question the durability of the blade.

Here is a nice custom Wegner I picked up for about the same price as the Sebenza which makes a pretty close substitute. I may keep both, or may get rid of one---have not decided--and don't know whether it would be this one or the Sebenza to go. I am not yet a Sabenza cult member.

Sebenzas are the best folders I have ever handled (and that includes some customs that cost much, much more). Fit and finish are perfect. My only complaint is the thumbstud... wish it were less pointed.

My vote goes for "Legend"!

If that Wenger had a Frame lock .... well now were talkin !! The wenger is my second favorite knife. Gave mine away when I decided to use the Benza but it was a tough choice. Carried both for a while. THe ergo's and blade on the wenger may be better than the sebenza. But the rock solid design, lock and overall feeling of quality sent the sebenza over the top. But again the Wenger is some 200.00 cheaper. An outstanding choice in its price bracket.


My Knife Page
Well, I must step in here for Rob! His server has been down a few days....., as I just got off the phone with him yesterday.His new Large Sebenza arrived on Saturday!

Knives & Things
Mike Payne
I agree with Boriqua. If the Wegner had a frame lock or an axis lock, it would be incredible. Lately I've been admiring the BM720. I enjoy the hollow grinds of the Sebenza and Wegner but I like the durability of the flat grind. I'm going to carry the 720 for a month to see how it holds up.


I get some pleasure from finding a relentlessly peaceful use for a combative looking knife.
I used to think my Sebenza was about the last word in pocket knives, but I lost interest in it after buying a Kit Carson folder (which only cost $60 more than a full-priced large Sebenza). I sold the Sebenza to someone who will appreciate it. I also sold the Carson, but I'm going to be getting another very soon...

Bottome line, I think the Sebenza is a very nice $200 knife.


For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Romans 6:23
The Classic Sebenza is what really did it for me. Much better feel in the hand than the standard model. However, you will find others who feel just the opposite.

Love my Millennium Zulu Trio! With the large and small Sebenzas and the Umfaan, your folding knife NEEDS are covered. (Of course, you'll WANT more)

Frank Norman
Frank's Page
Argue what you will about the price, but no one has yet shown me another folder, custom or factory, that is equal in over all strength to the sebenza. Would you take that Wegner and pound it through 2" logs to make kindling? This is what you are buying when you buy a seb, and you either appreciate that for what its worth, or you don't.

As for comfort, I've been paying a lot more attention lately to my folders where comfort in long running cutting chores is concerned. I spent some time the other day cutting up dried pineapple, apricot, peach, and papaya into little itsy bitsy pieces. I do this once every couple of weeks, and I've discovered that while even my very small knives are up to the task, the larger folders (my large seb, a crawford leopard, spyderco endura) were all more comfortable to use than the small knives, and of these, the Seb ran a close second in comfort to the Leopard which just happens to fit my hand perfectly.
I've never had a folding knife that was better made than my Sebenza. After looking for 30 years, give or take.... I found the perfect folder! Mines a LARGE.

Reeve Knives For Sale