secondary market for emerson customs

David Yes the knife pictured has the secondary bevel.

Sniper308 The knife is from last years New York show.

This is one great forum!!
I got the other cqc6, mother of pearl damascus at the November, NY Show. Ernie brought two of them. Mine is the same except the blade is Devin Thomas Spirograph damascus. Really a beauty.
You guys are killing me with all these cool customs! I guess I've just got to figure out how to make it to one of the big knife shows when Ernie is present. Out here in the midwest at the knife shows we have, I doubt that any dealers have ever even seen a Emerson handmade custom let alone have one for sale!

How many of you guys presently have customs on order with Emerson? - And if you don't mind, . . what do you have on order?
Just thought I would jump into the conversation. I ordered a CQC6 back in either late 1997 or early 1998 ( would have to dig up my deposit receipt which is lord knows where) so its been a little while, finally found a knife made in 1999 in the secondary market and hopefully will be taking possession next week. I quess I should consider myself lucky, but it feels a little anticlimactic. I am praying that once I get it and hold it in my hands I will like it better than all the great knives (Chew, R.J. Martin, Lightfoot, Carson, DeViller, Coleman, Valloton and DB Fraleys) I bought while I was searching for my custom Emerson. I know I am rambling, but I wanted to use my custom Emerson, and at more than double the price as the one I already have on order, I am not sure if I will be able to.
Thanks for letting me vent
Concerning the price issue and carrying Emerson customs, I got my CQC6 from Les in June/July of '98, and it hasn't left my side since. It's become a "user" of the highest order, strong, razor-freaking sharp, and compact. It does everything I want it to, so that's what I carry despite paying something like $850 for it on the aftermarket. Heck, when I was on a training mission at 10th SFG in CO, I carried both the CQC6 and the CQC8. Joy!
The Action of doing or saying nothing at all
becomes the BEST and STRONGEST action...


"This is the law:
There is no possible victory in defense, The Sword is more important than the shield, And skill is more important than either, The final weapon is the brain. All else is supplemental."

Hey Sniper,
I'm fortunate enough to live in NY so I am able to attend the NY Custom Knife show. It's nice to attend the show to see the customs knives by Emerson & other makers. Don't expect to be able to buy a knife from Emerson at the show. The demand is so great for his knives at the show that they have some sort of raffle just to be able to buy his knives. I haven't experience the raffle personally (arrived late) but only a few lucky winners will be able to buy his knives at the show. First table I usually go to is Les's table. Les & his partner have a Lot of knives by almost every maker all laid out on his table available for fondlng & immediate purchase, no waiting.

Regards, David T

[This message has been edited by David T (edited 01-16-2000).]
David T . .

I'm well aware that there is little chance at all of purchasing a custom from Earnie, but I was thinking that there is always a chance that some other dealer may have a custom Emerson that they bring along and have for sale, if a person is lucky enough to find it first. It's just that out here in the Midwest, well, the chance of finding a custom at a knife show is non-existent!