Seller in maker made, fixed

Jun 3, 2015
Whomever is posting under Everest Blades is simply kicking you over to their website. I don't know if this is permitted, never mind if so, but I don't recall seeing anything like it before. Wasn't sure who the mod is for that section, so am posting this here. Hope I'm not wasting anyone's time. Perhaps there was a rule change I missed.
Thanks, Neal
Link to a thread? Or report a post where this is happening please
Eh, I'm on the line for this. If he's a small maker then he's advertising in the right place. Imma hang back for now.
Thanks WValtakis I appreciate the link.
Spark sorry to bother you, know you're busy, wasn't sure, next time a question arises(if) I'll be sure to post a link. Thanks for looking into it.