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Oct 7, 1999
If you could pass on ONE tip to someone regarding survival skills what would it be?

For example, the tip could be along the lines of Greg's acronyms COLDER or STOP or even how to light a fire with minimal materials.

Remember, the simpler the better. Who knows, one of the tips generated in this topic MIGHT just save one of us some day.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.


Since I believe that survival is the ability to meet the "five survival essentials" matter what the environment...this three step process is the Key to optimizing your chances of success.

1. Stop and recognize the situation for what it is.

2. Recognize your "five survival essentials" and prioritize them in order of importance for the situation and environment you are in.

--a. Personal Protection (clothing, shelter, fire)
--b. Signaling (manmade and natural)
--c. Sustenance (water and food)
--d. Travel (with and without a map and compass)
--e. Health (psychological stress, environmental injury, traumatic injury)

3. Improvise to meet your needs. Using both your manmade and natural resources to create tools/things that meet your needs.

--a. Recognize your need
--b. Inventory your material (manmade and natural)
--c. Consider at options
--d. Pick one (based on best use of time, energy, and materials)
--e. Build it (make sure it is safe and durable)

Greg Davenport
Are You Ready For The Challenge?
Are You Ready To Learn The Art Of Wilderness Survival?

Seperate your gear, never put all your eggs in one basket. I know a lot of guys use web gear, I prefer bags and pouches. But make sure you have at the very least a knife, source of fire, and cordage on your person , apart from your other gear. I know of a man who had all his equipemtn in a daypack in a canoe and it overturned and he lost all his equipment, he ended up in dire straits for a while.
My key word is: REDUNDANCY! I never rely on one of anything! Multiple firestarters, multiple cutting edges, multiple direction finders (compasses). Never think one of anything is all you need. Always have a backup and I even prefer a backup to the backup!

Good luck!

Plainsman :)

Brian,, here is a simple acronym. F.E.A.R ;it stands for False Evidence Appearing Real. Fear is the anticipation that something bad will happen to us. The mind moves the body so train the mind to handle the adrenalin dump associated with a stressful situation and realize that it is just a physiological response not a predicter of the future. All the training in the world from best instructors goes out the window if you panic. Before we can S.T.O.P or identify the five essentials in any survival situation we must control( I prefer to say channel) the fear that can cause us to freeze,cloud our thinking, and cause us to do things we normally wouldn't. Train your mind to view fear positively. That adrenalin dump allows me to run faster, jump higher,think faster and hit harder. At this point you can put things into perspective and develop a strategy. Another F.E.A.R acronym is Failure Expected Action Required, and failure expected gets in the way of our motivation and will to survive. Control of this enables us to utilize all of our other skills and techniques when the sh** hits the fan..

excellent point about the power of fear.

It can motivate us to take action or...
cause us to freeze and fail to take action.

How we react to it in survival could mean the difference between life and death.

Greg Davenport
Are You Ready For The Challenge?
Are You Ready To Learn The Art Of Wilderness Survival?
