Sharpening D2

Yes I have checked out the paper wheel thread and although it is very appealing the noise of the motor will not sit will with fellow dwellers, so I must stick to quieter and less bulky means. If I had a shop or my own place by all means I'd try it.

There is some motor noise....about as much as a vacuum.
This actually isn't true... my vacuum is way louder than the buffer I use. :cool: ;)


I'm wondering if he's referring to a brush-type motor (so-called 'AC/DC universal' type)? Those are much noisier than the single-phase AC-driven (brushless) motors found on most bench buffer/grinders. And, if I'm not mistaken, also the type used in vacuum cleaners (and portable power tools like drills, circular saws, routers, etc.). There are at least a few grinders around that're powered this way.

My dad bought me a small, hobby-type wood lathe when I was a kid. It had one of the brush-type motors driving it. They're more compact, and relatively inexpensive. But, extremely noisy. I didn't like to use it.

I don't use a buffer/grinder, but the ones I've seen that were conventionally driven (single phase AC motor), were very quiet. Pleasantly so.
I was sorta being funny (guess it was just in my head), but in all seriousness I've used several different motor types over the years to run the wheels, from cheap grinder motors to variable speed ones, and none were as loud as my vacuum.

Or maybe my vacuum just sucks. haha

I was sorta being funny (guess it was just in my head), but in all seriousness I've used several different motor types over the years to run the wheels, from cheap grinder motors to variable speed ones, and none were as loud as my vacuum.

Or maybe my vacuum just sucks. haha


:D I was getting ready to say it might be time for a new vacuum.
So if the acute angle is in fact the problem, would it make sense to use the fine rods on the more obtuse angle holes on my crock box?