Sharpmaker is EXCELLENT, even for a newbie =)

Oct 23, 2000
I was worried after just reading the directions, using the Sharpmaker system looked as if I might screw it up.

NOPE!!! After watching Sal's very informative video, I tried my hand at some really old, dull, pitted kitchen knives. Though the pits are still there (I didn't expect to fix them, they're pretty bad), each knife could shave the hair clean off my arm with almost no effort at all. Before, the blade could be hit against your hand with nary a scratch, now I wouldn't even think of trying it.

I don't see how anyone being careful could mess this up, four very easy steps and Sal explains everything step by step in the video. I do have a few questions, read my other new thread in here to help me out with those.

I washed the stones after sharpening three kitchen knives, the scouring pad/Comet method worked great, got 'em perfectly clean.

I probably sound like an idiot to you experienced guys, but before tonight I had never sharpened a knife before, and with all the talk about different stones, beveling, different grinds, etc. on here I was intimidated to try it myself. For you other newbies, get this system for your first one - you won't regret it. Fast and easy...effective, too!

Knife newbie.
So far - CRKT Kasper (the big one), Kershaw Ken Onion Ricochet.
Hi SVTNate. Congratulations. We both win.

I agree with you that the Sharpmaker should be the first sharpener one uses (and often, it ends up being the last as well, with many in the middle). I agree that a knife aficianado should learn to use a stone free hand. Good for many things. I learned sharpening and straight razor sharpening and shaving as well. Good stuff.

But achieveing success as well as permitting understanding to occur while sharpening is good education. I've often said that the Sharpmaker, a 10X-12X magnifier and a little personal focus will teach you sharpening like an expert.

Wait until you try some serrations and some really good steel.

thanx for the unsolicitated commercial.

Sal - No problem

Knife newbie.
So far - CRKT Kasper (the big one), Kershaw Ken Onion Ricochet.