Sheath For PAL RH 36?

Apr 28, 2015
I have a PAL RH 36 knife that is in need of a sheath. Are there any currently made sheaths out there that might fit it? thanks.

5AB5FE65-8C91-432D-96DE-AD8EC436B6C7.jpeg When I was a kid, the surplus stores sold knives and sheaths separately. I liked to carry my RH-36 in a USN MK 2 sheath. It was much more robust than the leather sheath that was supposed to go with the knife.
Nice knife tiguy. Mine was severely "bellied out" from someone sharpening only the sweet spot. A knifemaker here reworked and reprofiled her for me.
I had the sheath made by a dude here but I can't recollect his name at the moment. I have CRS Syndrome. (can't remember $hit) But it'll come to me. :)
