Short Review Of Dogwood Filet Knife

Jun 18, 2011
Over spring break my family and I went to Mexico Beach and did some fishing. It was still a little early yet but I managed to locate a nice school of speckled trout near the mouth of a canal in St. Joseph Bay and pulled four nice ones with an x-rap. We also went out on a charter boat and pulled in about 20 really nice sheep head. I've had Dan's filet knife for a while now and used it on a few crappie, but this was the first time I've used it near salt water which is what I ordered it for in the first place. I let our guide clean the sheep head using the filet knife and he really liked it and wanted to trade me the fare for it, but I made him give it back. I cleaned the trout.

Anyway, let me tell you, it sure is nice to have a filet knife that stays lazar sharp throughout the whole trip, doesn't rust, and has a handle that stays grippy even when water and fish slime is in the mix. The blade design was great and the extra length really helps on the bigger salt water fish. Now all I need is a bait knife from him.......Anyway here's a few pics, sorry for the poor quality, I had my 13 year old take them since the wife unit would have used the filet knife on me if I'd touched her camera with fish hands. lol.


thank you for the review and feed back, I might know a guy that could help with that bait knife