Simply simple......

Jun 17, 2001
Here's a little one I finished this morning.
5 1/4" total length. The blade was hand forged from a tine off of a type of hay conditioner. For the life of me I can't remember what this piece of machinery is called. The tines are Swedish made spring steel. I've got a very small piece of African blackwood and the rest of the handle is a tip of axis stag. Not sure if I can make anything more simple than this.

The knife in reality is setting on top of a fire brick. I tried to rotate it but since I'm not sure what I'm doing I let it be.....

Very nice "little one"! VERY NICE! That harmon is really visible and very attractive. Your finish really brings it out.
Is it off a tedder? (not sure how its spelled :confused: )
You use it after you mow, to tear clumps apart and spread it evenly on the ground to dry. The tine would be a long dowel with one end twisted into a coil.

Nice knife :)
Matt, I'm pretty sure thats what its called. Think it has 4 heads that spin each with a number of the tines. There about 5/16 in diameter. Really nice steel, wish they were alittle bigger but I'm going to be making a number of knives like this one and they work great for these..... I better go feed my cows before they get pissed and get out.....
I was just thinking about what you forged(which really worked great) and I wonder how chisel plow tines would work. They are tough! Once in a great while one will break, but not with normal use. I plowed with a 15' chisel years ago, and noticed some spring action to them, especially when starting and when hitting something really tough. On my expeditions I will attempt to scrounge some tines.
Most stuff thats is contact with the dirt is 1080 to 95. I've got some small harrow tines I'll be doing in the future.
Raymond, That's really nice! The blade and handle go together real good. I really like that stag!

Very cool Ray, I like it.

I can get my blades to stick out of the wood but, I could never get the pommel to stick into brick!
J, Its just balance but alittle super glue does wonders. Naw, its just sitting there. All I need is a brick stuck to the knife.

Thanks for turning the photo around. I could do it but I couldn't get it to stay that way.