Simply the best...........

Nov 19, 2008
years ago, I talked Dwayne into making a baldric carry sheath of my design, for a favorite knife. He also made me a dangler for that sheath. D rings on the leather, so I could switch carry method. It worked SO well, that I begged for another sheath to fit a different knife. Despite his busy schedule, he was kind enough to make that one as well. And again.
So recently, after several years, I asked for yet another sheath to fit 'the system'. I just got that one in the mail today.
Some things just don't change. Dwayne remains the premier leather maker. Workmanship is flawless. Fit is absolutely perfect.
Thanks Dwayne. I really appreciate your craftsmanship down through the years.
Thank you my friend, I really appreciate the kind words.