Smith & Wesson Knives

Theres always a place for a cheap knife like a S&W in the construction world, for one you never know when you might have to hack and chop at something covered in concrete or in the dirt. I have had to cut cr@p that would make high end knife guy puke. Second reason being that several times a week my guys come to me to borrow a knife, I have caught them try to cut above mentioned kind of cr@p as well as tossing the knife in the gang box on a Friday afternoon putting it MIA for the weekend.

I suppose a fruit and tie gentleman may not need a beater so much but don't they ever work in the yard or garage on the weekend?

Hair said:
I am all for suggesting one knife over another. I do it myself. What I do not like is when someone's decision is made fun of, or their opinion/taste is insulted. There is a difference between trying to educate someone or trying to give them input and trying to pressure them into liking what you like by using insults and "your knife isn't a real knife" BS.

Very well said, I sometimes wonder how many "new" people come into these forums, browsing or just looking for information about a knife they bought, and the first things they encounter are some of the more extreme comments about they knife, and just don't come back.

Most of us here don't hesitate to drop amounts of money on 1 knife that others may not spend on knives in their whole life. Not everyone can afford Sebenzas and there should be room in the knife collecting community for everyone, without some being made feel stupid or inferior because they bought a lower cost knife.
The Last Confederate said:
Just curious, what "proven brand" do you buy for $10.00?
Sorry, I meant $10 more. At $40 there is a pretty good selection of knives like Spyderco's Byrd knives. Just received my Pelican today and love it!
Proven brands for $10? Opinel and Mora, for starters.:thumbup: :D The Irish made Imperial Tradesman line Schrade imported (until Schrade died:( ) were perfectly decent beaters for under $10. For beaters, don't the smallest Cold Steel fixed blades - the Ready Edge, and like that - street for $10?

S&W 440C - I always figured this was at best the same "440C" that Spyderco's Chinese manufacturers claimed to be using in the Byrds (8Cr13MoV?) and at worst, or at average, whatever crap steel Taylor wanted to turn a blind eye to their much worse Chinese factories labelling as 440 that week.:jerkit:

Ethics, etc, aside, I think you CAN get a decent knife marked S&W. I think it is impossible to buy an S&W and have any hope, let alone assurance, that it will be a good knife. And I've never heard anything to suggest that S&W's customer service would give any stisfaction if you complained about getting a lemon.:rolleyes:
if ya re lucky a S&W folder would be "decent" i havent heard many folks say "good" or "excellent" in regards to them though, decent is about tops imho. or as i say "ok".

lots of better stuff around than S&W imho, CRKT for 1..........and its not much better than "ok".
Smith & Wesson FL2 Framelock, design by Darrell Ralph.

Very good. Flat, strong lock, good edge. I've bought two of them for my brother-in-law. He is extremely pleased with them.

There is an FL1 model as well, with a slightly different blade. They are part of the HRT series.