Snowbound: Time for a giveaway!

Man, you guys must be GREAT dancers! You're dancin' all around that number!:D
deputy tom loses automatically for his comment!:p :p
farmboy Sorry to get your hopes up & dash them like a pumpkin dropped from a bridge but no good on the last guess!:D

Just won me a knife on e-bay; my 1st attempt! Good night, again!
And it looks like you won't win another, YoungCutter!:D You must change your attitude! Think win; Think win; Think win; Think win! Come on, give it another chance! My God, I sound like a hawkster at the boardwalk!!:rolleyes:
166, Thanks for the contest! BTW how are those 360 pivot knives? I just ordered one and havn't heard much about em.
OK! I see we made it to daylight & still no winner. I received an e-mail from Ken - asking if it was OK to guess more than once. It wasn't stipulated in the original rules that you couldn't, so feel free to guess again; just don't post 20 numbers at a time! :D Of course, I thought there would be a winner by now!

Nugg3t - I have ordered a total 5 - 360 pivot knives + 1 cocobolo gift box from Delta Z. I wouldn't consider them for any heavy duty use but IMHO they would make great gifts, letter openers, conversation pieces, good for cutting string & the like - they are different! If you carry one in a shirt pocket, people will think you're a 'nerd' - until you take it out & pivot the blade for cutting.:D

Take care & it's off to work I go - looks like about 24" of snow out there! Check the posts for a winner, later.
Thanks for the info, can't wait ta get mine!
New # 201

Edited: 200 was already picked.
Come on guys, can't you count? There are 221 chips, ah ah ah,(Thunder crashes in background, Count Von Count style)