So What Are Your Favorite Knife Videos

May 10, 2007
Looking for some new ones to keep busy with. Love to hear what you guys like.
Videos by Michael Janich are good. Very basic no nonsense stuff. If AMOK! had training videos out I would recommend those. I have trained with Tom Sotis, he is excellent.
There`s some good stuff at done by one of Victor DeThoures students. I also like most of Jim Keating`s stuff .
The stuff at is good too. I saw lot`s of skill on the tapes from but the intro disc is all demo with no (okay, very little) explanation.

There`s always or the dog brothers stuff. And the stuff from the guy at Princeton academy of martial arts is almost like an encyclopedia in the volume of stuff he covers.

I guess a goodplace to start would be asking what you`ve already got.
i was thinking about buying "warrior's edge" from cold steel. the preview looks really good. i'm new to knife fighting. what do you guys think of it? anyone own it?
Janich has some good practical ones. Also the classic MacYoung vids: "Winning/Surviving a Street Knife Fight".

"Surviving Edged Weapons"... I like to watch Gaje and Inosanto.

Come to think of it, Ray Floro has some neat vids too.
Keating, Worden and Janich all have excellent videos.
Warrior's Edge is a great series, even though you might find Lynn Thompson to be a little bit annoying at moments, but the instructions is solid value.
Agree with all the above choices and add THE ESSENTIAL RAY FLORO (reverse grip, edge in) to the equal or better list.
MacYoung's pair of videos are good basic instruction in the use and avoidance of knives in a day to day sense.

I just got Steve Gartin's "Secrets of Silat" and found it not only informative, but also entertaining, he has a real enthusiasm for sharing his knowledge with the viewers.
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I'll second the videos by Mark MacYoung as well as those by Hock.

Mark's videos are very good for basic knife defense, but that does not mean they will only benefit beginners. I've seen too many advanced martial artists get "too advanced" with their training that they forget the basics.

Hock's videos are very good for practical training and are full of drills. TM 1-3 (the basic package) has more material than some arts at blackbelt level.

I'll also add "Gunsite Tactical Edged Weapons" by Rich Ryan, it is basic but good for using folders which is what most of us actually carry.

I also like the DeCuerdes Eskrima video Richard Van Donk sells, taken from a seminar by Grandmaster Tenio.