Source for 420-V

Rob Simonich

Big Bear
Oct 3, 1998
Help! Does anyone out there in knifeland know where I can get my hands on some 420-V? Ill bet Darrell knows......Thanks


Hey Rob,

Hope you find some! Let me know when you do.
Crucible Steel has 420V. I forgot their URL but they have a website if you do a bit of searching.

Zapp in Dortmund have some 4mm plate in stock in Germany. It costs about DM125 a kilo.
Rob called Crucible and they couldn't help which I find odd as they produce the stuff. Seems there is Crucible itself just outside of Syracuse, N.Y. and a whole bunch of Crucible "centers". I figure Rob may have contacted one of the centers instead of going direct. I'll see if I can find the right numbers and post them here. Trouble with a small volume maker going direct is the minimum order quantity may be staggering...dunno.

Crucible Service Center,
Crucible Specialty Metals
5639 West Genesee Street
Camillus, NY 13110 (suburb of Syracuse)

specs at

Hope this helps!

Thanks Bob, I will try that number tomorrow. I did find and buy some CRU-WEAR, I have been wanting to try that stuff also, It is supposed to be a great edgeholder and with good toughness to boot...Anyone have any experiance with CRU-WEAR? You can see the specs for it in Crucibles site.
When you call crusible some branches dont know what sizes they carry . Just ask for the main branch number they will help you out..

Darrel Ralph / Bladesmith
Take a look!!!!
The telefon number for Zapp in Dortmund , Germany is located on the Steel page of my website:

(I can't find it right now in this chaos on my desk)

I just bought a piece of 4 mm plate 210 mm x 300 mm and it cost about $200. That's about the size of a sheet of letter paper. I'll get about 10 small knives out of it.

But thay say it's worth tha price...
Edited double post... sorry

[This message has been edited by Kevin Wilkins (edited 24 November 1998).]
Rob: Would you please let me know the stock sizes available on the Cru-Wear and a phone # to order some?? I would be most greatful. I tried to buy some of this stuff from Crucible some time ago-they said all they had was 1/2" thick plate!! Hope you found some thinner. This steel looks Excellent with a capital E on paper!!!!

Thanks again, RJMartin
Hi RJ, Texas Knifemakers Supply has the CRU-Wear, their phone number is 713-461-8632. Their Fax is 713-461-8221. Yes this stuff looks very good on paper, not quite stainless but very good edgeholding and toughness. And the best part is its cheap compared to other high alloys.
