
We don't delete threads at Bladeforums. We don't often lock threads either, but I'm beginning to think maybe we should move this one to The Good, the Bad, the Ugly.
Cougar, why not take the high road and lock this
thread to put this fire out before real harm is done.
You think locking threads and suppressing discussion is the high road? :rolleyes:

This isn't some fascist dictatorship where discussion of policy and criticism of the moderators gets suppressed and deleted.

This discussion is drifting in a direction that's more appropriate to TGB&U than to the General Blade Discussion Forum, though -- I'll move the thread now.
Cougar, thank's for moving this.

My intent has nothing at all to do with limiting
free speach as you suggest. It's more about keeping
two good men from harming the respect they have
earned by their good works. I wouldn't let two friends spat till it got out of control anymore
than I would a couple of kids. Life's to short for that kinda junk.

If some consider that to be a charicater flaw on
my part ......well, I guess I'm guilty
Hey, hey HEY,

I said that I was sending Spark money, I have tried to back out of this and you go on and on and on. I got lots of help and will move all of my efforts in this matter to knifeforums and will not again do anything remotly like advertising on this forum.

I want you to know that this has been very benificial to me both from those who spoke against me as well as those who saw my intention, many have sent me e-mails and are helping with addresses in the middle east. I think it has been wonderful for every body! Spark gets $100 , the negative people have had a chance to bash me and my friends have been able to be truly helpful

please stop beating a dead horse, let him rest in peace. I have read every post and have learned from all of them, enough.

A. G.
Since this is at the top I am going to make one last post. This thread is not going to be deleted, so if we want it to go away we are just going to have to stop posting. That way it will soon fade away.
You know what, I'm through with this. AG, keep your money. If you feel like you must send it, I'll take it and send knives to troops at *my* cost, not at a "patriotic" sale price.

You were given several chances to do the right thing. Rather than step up and do so, you've dug your heels in and pretended that we're the ones at fault. Even in parting, you still do the same thing you have since the beginning.

Your "sale" puts your prices on most items just about in-line with the typical internet dealer's. These are the prices that they sell at *everyday* to *everyone* as opposed to your "patriotic" sale that you are doing just for the soldiers, sailors, and other service members. Your challenge for them to then drop an additional 25% is ludicrous, especially since it would put many of the items below cost for the smaller guys. I just did some price checking with several items, between a few sites and your own, and when your items are "on sale" they are within $3-4 of the everyday price for these sites. Yet you have the nerve to question their patriotism? Unreal.

You can criticize me and the moderators all you want, but I notice that you aren't pricing any of your products at, or even near dealer cost - or, in your case, distributor - so no matter what, you are making money. You are still trying to get free advertising when all the other dealers pay for it. And instead of taking responsibility for your actions, you are implying that we're all unreasonable for trying to make sure this site stays open. You should be ashamed of yourself, using patriotism as an excuse to make people reach for their wallets.

Keep your $100 - if you must send it, I'll just apply it to some Joe's order and send him a few knives at *MY COST* instead of some "patriotic" sale price.

I've been trying to think through the $100 offer Mr. Russell has made What is this money meant to cover? A Dealer Membership runs $850 year. So it clearly is not meant for membership fees (unless calculated to be a 1/8th, plus a little bit, installment).

Can I conjecture that it might be an act of an apology to for inappropriate behavior?

I think a sincere public apology and corrected conduct would be much more publicly palatable to and this community. A $100 offer is vacuous, being neither.

Being a leader in the knife industry, Mr. Russell can certainly afford the membership fee that would allow him the privileges of acting in the capacity of his business on this board.

In the past, he had a wonderful reputation as a consummate customer-oriented knife dealer. As can be seen here, his reputation can become tarnished. In politics, I’ve seen wonderful statesman age into men their constituents no longer recognize nor support. I’m not saying this has become Mr. Russell...but it could. A phrase I live by in customer service: Always take the high road!
Sorry Ron,

I thought that I was through with this. I also thought that for two threads over less than a week that is i/52 of a year that paying Spark 1/8th of his yearly fee was generous.. Spark thinks of it as nothing, it seems that you would only be satisfied with $850 for the week. I thaink that that is unreasonable. If you tell me that $200 will satisify you I will send that, perhaps you would like me to get out of your forum, all you have to do is ask. This is why I have always felt that it was not good for a dealer to own the media. I refused to purchase Blade magazene for that reason and instead did all I could to promote all of the publications in the past. I have posted on this forum because it was held to be a public forum, I have not supported it with money because it is owned by a knife dealer. I will do my best to please you but, only within reason.

A. G.
And still won't just admit you were wrong and fix it. This continuing attitude, more than the initial advertising, is why I refuse to suggest that anyone buys from AG Russell. Well, that and the fact that I feel he's exploiting the war for profit, which if true, puts him in the lowest of the low, at least in my book.

But that's last I'll say on this. Just felt I should make clear what my problem with this was, and also point out yet again that it's not only the moderators that think there was a problem here.
AG, I don't care if you join or if you don't. Honestly. But you will not advertise here without paying dues. It's an all or nothing deal - you can either advertise all you want, or you don't do it at all, but to have the priviledge, you must pay for it.

As for your comments about 1SKS owning this site, nice one. After all, I've just got banners & specials & sales in every page of this site. I'm trumpeting 1SKS from the rafters, & have popup windows and spam mail. Heck, I'm deleting other dealer posts, and inserting links to 1SKS in their place. :rolleyes: Yep, things are certainly skewed here... 1SKS is certainly getting a free ride compared to everyone else. It's not like 1SKS pays all the bills and makes up for any shortfalls.

At this point, this is a dead issue, just like Blues illustrated. Have a good one, AG.
Buddy, you do very well 'one on one', and that's why those of us that know you, love you like we do.

Unfortunately, this is an open forum, not a personal conversation between friends. As such, every man-jack and his pup will end up throwing in their two cents worth, if for no other reason than to hear themselves type... ;)

Regardless of your years of kindness, understanding, and contributions to our hobby; here you become just one of many, and anyone with an agenda is going to take a shot at you. Sad, but true my friend.

The simple fact is that this is a 'pay as you go' website; the owners, and those that pay to advertise here, have a set of rules. That being, you 'pay to play'. It's their game, and 'thems the rules, no exceptions...'

My advice would be to just let this one go, as it just isn't worth belaboring the point any further...

As to your offer, and your intent...'Those that 'get it', got it...those that didn't, probably never will.'


Sheldon Wickersham
aka 'Mel'
I also thought that for two threads over less than a week that is i/52 of a year that paying Spark 1/8th of his yearly fee was generous..

I called the phone company and told them that since I'm only home and awake maybe 8 hours in an average day, I'm only going to pay 1/3 of my phone bill. They weren't amused.

I went to the grocery store, opened a 2Liter bottle of pop, poured out one glass worth and took the glass to the checkout. They informed me that the pop is only sold by the bottle.

Spark offers dealer membership by the year, not by the week.
Revolutions start out with the best of intentions, and with the worst of intentions, and they end up, it is said, "eating their children". Is this Bladeforums way, to disagree as disagreeably as possible?

Gentlemen, please CHILL OUT !!!

Thank you. :(
Thanks Chuck. I just spent the last hour getting ready to head out to the theatre tonight, thinking over similar illustrations to cite. Though you said them very well ...

I rarely eat my whole dinner when I go out. Maybe tonight I'll prorate my dinner by the amount I eat and ask the restaurant manager if I can pay only $16.75 toward that $24.00 Fillet Mignon I might have. Maybe they have a scale I can use (I don't want to bring my own...too bulky).

Once when my wife was pregnant, we had to leave one of the theatre productions at intermission because she was just a bit too uncomfortable. I guess I blew it by not asking the house management for $80.00 back on our $160.00 seats. Don’t I feel like a fool?
I assume this is an example of "Moderator Humor"? Enough is enough, you've had your "pound of flesh".