Speedlock Problem

Feb 11, 2006
Hello, I have a question reguarding the Boker Speedlocks. I have a speedlock that has been converted to auto. Unfortunatly the threading--where the two smaller screws screw into the body--has stripped. I noticed this when I first got the knife, so it was not caused by trying to overtighten it.

My question is, is this a common flaw in the aluminium speedlock bodys, or was this a fluke. I like the look and feel of the boker speed/toplocks but dont want to encounter this problem again. I wonder if the ones that come auto already are built any different, or if they are all similar. Thanks for looking.
We do not sell any Top/Speed Locks as autos in the US, as mentioned in
the post titled Boker and auto knives.
So, if you find an auto here in the states, it was either illegaly converted,
which violates the warranty and laws in most states, or it was imported illegaly.
Usually, the stripping of the screws happens when the person converts the knives. We do sell replacement screws for them at $5.00 per set, if you need them.
Thanks, Terry
I appreciate the reply. The knife was purchased new with spring recess and un-drilled blade. The conversion consisted of drilling the blade and putting the spring in. I noticed the problem immediately when I got the knife. Also, it was not the screws themselves that stripped, but the housing. Is this a problem you have seen before in any stock speed/top-locks?
I waited to take a look at some of the records I
have here for repairs, and the only other time I saw this happen
was when somehow, the screws got cross-threaded.
After taking them out, the threads in the body of the knife were
stripped out.
So, to my knowledge, it has happened once in the last two years.
Thanks, Terry