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Spyderco Para 2 as EDDC

I carry the PM2 as my right back pocket utility knife. In the front pocket goes one of many Cold Steel XL folders for SD. Most recently its this baby, the Frenzy. It disappears in the pocket and has a 5.5" XHP warncliff blade with a triad lock, for about the same price as a Para. I guess the PM2 could be used in this capacity, it just seems a little small after carrying the CS, unless you train with it of course.

We're two then!


A Cold Steel in RFP, and a Spyderco in left front pocket or back pocket for the last 4 years.

For EDDC I strongly believe any of the Spyderco large folders (Pacific Salt, PM2, Military, Endura, Ulize, Resilience, Ayoob, Chinook) or curved blades (Tasman, Spyderhawk, Civilian, Matriarch) would be very capable, reliable and extremely effective


these are the 2 companies with better options for that purpose, and the only 2 I carry and trust for those things
Spyderco has a model called the Perrin PPT that is designed for self defense, though I have no experience with it, it looks like it could fill the role you're asking for. I'm not quite sure if they're still in stock nowadays, but I've seen a few go through the exchange for a good price(some not so good).

I EDCed my para 2 for a long time and it never let me down. Great blade for a just about anything you'd need it for. So your original plan may just be what you're looking for.
We're two then!


A Cold Steel in RFP, and a Spyderco in left front pocket or back pocket for the last 4 years.

For EDDC I strongly believe any of the Spyderco large folders (Pacific Salt, PM2, Military, Endura, Ulize, Resilience, Ayoob, Chinook) or curved blades (Tasman, Spyderhawk, Civilian, Matriarch) would be very capable, reliable and extremely effective


these are the 2 companies with better options for that purpose, and the only 2 I carry and trust for those things

Very nice selection. I've got to look at some H1 too.
I was just suggesting that you look at other knives that have those features. You could purchase PM2 aftermarket scales (consider Flytanium), but they just lack that OEM feel.

Since you are so determined in carrying a knife in your suit, invest another few hundred and consider the Benchmade 940-1/484-1, Chris Reeve Knives (CRK) Sebenza/Mnandi or maybe even a Spyderco Sage 2/Stretch. The PM2 just looks way too aggressive to have around in the office environment; it may scare people at the lunchroom.

If size is not a big deal, the CRK Mnandi is probably most ideal option. The clip even works as a fashion accessory!

That 484-1/Nakamura Axis family is really nice. I'm definitely partial to the giant Spyderco thumb hole vs. thumb stud on Benchmade.

I'm also fortunate not to have to worry about an office environment or lunchroom. Plus, nobody other than me will see the PM2 unless the S has really HTF. I find the aggressive look appealing, with the side benefit of (hopefully) acting as a deterrent when possible.

The CRK are definitely appealing, but I find myself a minimalist even with my self-defense tools- as long as the quality is there. The Sebenza type of knife is certainly one that would feel good to carry and also a blade in which I'd have a lot of pride/ownership enjoyment, but I don't think it will do any more for me in SD than the PM2 range knives.
You can always sand down the scale where the clip is and it will be more merciful on the clothes

Or lightly sand the whole thing. I've "sanded" two G10-scaled knives with an old pair of jeans, basically simulating long-term pocket wear, and in both cases it's resulted in a knife that's still grippy but which doesn't destroy my pockets.
Or lightly sand the whole thing. I've "sanded" two G10-scaled knives with an old pair of jeans, basically simulating long-term pocket wear, and in both cases it's resulted in a knife that's still grippy but which doesn't destroy my pockets.
Sanding G10 scales wih old denim? How long did that take?
A limited light rub with fine sand paper might have accomplished similar results in less than a minute. :)
I plan to pick up a Spyderco Paramilitary 2 to use as my everyday defensive carry knife. I have a Military now and love it but now want the 4-way capability of the Para 2 clip.

First, I've read about the "drag" of the DLC coating when slicing but I think that applies more to food prep. Is it a practical consideration for EDDC? I doubt it so I suppose it comes down to aesthetic and corrosion resistance. My Military is satin and I love it but I do like the Black DLC on the Para 2.

I'm debating the digi camo vs. the black handle but as this EDDC will double for when I'm wearing my suits for business, the black handles will disappear better in my pocket.

Lastly, what is a comparable and perhaps better consideration for EDDC in this category? Although I'm pretty confident the Para 2 fits the bill, I'm open to suggestions.

Try this :

Push the edge of your finger nail hard against the side of your DLC and then run it most of the length of the blade sensing for friction and drag.

Then do the same on the side of a knife that is fairly smooth bare steel alloy.

no comparison the bare blade has much less drag when cutting hard / tough stuff not just food.

A guy needs both; one to look at one to use.
Sanding G10 scales wih old denim? How long did that take?
A limited light rub with fine sand paper might have accomplished similar results in less than a minute. :)

I'm not sure how long it takes me; I generally do it while watching TV. Maybe a total of 30 minutes for one knife?

I like that it's very low impact, doesn't generate any G10 dust (just lint, which I can blow out of the knife with compressed air when I'm done), and basically just simulates months of pocket wear.
As far as self defense while wearing a suit.
Heck that's obvious.
Just do what Lynn does :D :D :D

Cold Steel XL Voyager, Vaquero . . . serrated . . . natch'

Personally, I think that you should get the PM2, and try to make it work. I think it's important to feel secure with whatever knife you are using, and if you like the Military, you should like the PM2.

That being said, I would probably go with a BM 943, 940-1 or -2, or 943 with a 940-2 handle, and get a free deep carry clip from BM. They are significantly less obtrusive in the pocket and might be less "scary" in the office... Or not. I don't have a Sage or Delica, but hear good things about them too.
You could purchase PM2 aftermarket scales (consider Flytanium), but they just lack that OEM feel.
Which is the exact reason that I have aftermarket scales on the PM2s that I carry. The "OEM feel" was the main thing I disliked about the PM2.
Knife as a defensive weapon?It would be attempted murder unless your life was in danger.Witch means your assailant has a deadly weapon.Don't bring a knife to a gun fight.
Everyday defensive carry? Sounds like a job for the alox cadet to me (and of course your carry firearm of choice, I like the Walther PPS M2 but there are lots of other nice choices).

For everyday knife needs, use the cutty slice-slice (pictured in the foreground), for defense needs use the shooty bang-bang (background):


EDIT: added visual aid
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Everyday defensive carry? Sounds like a job for the alox cadet to me (and of course your carry firearm of choice, I like the Walther PPS M2 but there are lots of other nice choices).

For everyday knife needs, use the cutty slice-slice (pictured in the foreground), for defense needs use the shooty bang-bang (background):


EDIT: added visual aid
Alox Cadet is a nice knife.
Fieldmaster and/or Outrider will occasionally ride shotgun too! Outrider locks.
Although I'm getting the PM2 because it is just a great knife/design, this thread has me looking at other options strictly for EDCC. The Civilian makes sense but it's only to be deployed in a scenario where I'd be better served skinning my smoke wagon. Thus, the Matriarch looks like a great option with moderately more "letter opening" utility.

Thoughts on the Civilian vs. Matriarch? To streamline, I'm less enthused about the Emerson Wave- not that it's in any way bad- just not my flavor. So Civilian to Matriarch- just a size/weight/utility/fear factor question?