stainless hooks - what are your dislikes?

Feb 10, 2013
I know they are not too kind to fish if left inside the mouth, and they are not the cheapest either.

However, what are some OTHER dislikes that you have experienced with those?

IDK. I don't use them and don't know anyone who uses them. I use black nickel plated. Don't like plain hooks.
What are you using them for? Fresh or saltwater. What species? I have never used them in fresh water and only occasionally have used them in salt.
I've been using Mustad bronze hooks for fishing in saltwater for over 40 years with excellent results.

I quit using stainless-steel hooks due to the reason you mentioned, NOT KIND TO FISH! I caught too many fish with stainless hooks still attached to them after breaking fishing lines.
Never really thought about it before, but does anyone know how long a carbon steel hook typically lasts in a freshwater fish's mouth? I fish some pretty heavily hit fish sometimes (catch and release only trout) and never found a hook....
I've caught trout and catfish with the hook and leader still attached but they were almost all fresh only a few corroded. I even caught a trout with a stringer snap attached to its jaw. They probably rust out pretty fast because of the slime accelerating the corrosion.
DB731 - Excellent information, thanks for sharing!

I based my decision NOT to use stainless-steel hooks many years ago (1960's) after examining the stomach contents of fish I had caught. Fish that were gut hooked with stainless-steel hooks and then broke off or released by cutting the leader, still had the stainless hooks pretty much intact inside the stomach. Non-stainless hooks were pretty much well dissolved by the strong stomach acids in the fish's stomach.