steel warrior

Jan 1, 2008
Some of you have seen my "first case knife" thread. The slippie bug has bit me pretty bad. I have 3 case knives now. I was at a army surplus store today and ran across a steel warrior knife for about ten bucks. I thought well, for 10 bucks i'll try it. I'm impressed with it for the price. fairly good fit and finish. almost as good as my case knives. It is red jigged bone. around 4 inches closed. the main blade is lock back with a sheepsfoot and drop point at the other end. If the steel holds up after some use, then I will be buying more of these as users and gifts. I will post pics tommorrow.:thumbup:
Steel Warriors (I really hate that name on traditional slips) :D are some of the better imports.
I have four of them; a trapper, stockman, congress and peanut. I was lucky to get them all for 50% off. They are great knives for the price. I was surprised myself. I can't stand the name either, but I pretty much use them for beater knives. They hold up pretty good. The Marbles folders and Rough Riders are good too. There's a recent thread that talks about all the China made slippies. I'll see if I can find the link.
hahahaha...yep, it doesn't take long to get bit by the traditional bug. We told you so. Watch the collection grow and the bank account flow...out that is. But hey, it could be worse, guns cost more.
I have a $15 Steel Warrior blue bone congress. I love it! :eek:

I have a green bone Congress that cost $14. These are pretty good knives. Good users, and fit & finish are way better than I expected. I'll buy more, as long as the blades hold up.

thx - cpr
When you talk about Steel Warrior, are we talking about stuff from Frost Cutlery, or is it something better than Frost?
Yep... Frost Cutlery. I don't like the name either, just doesn't fit with traditional knives..
Got one for my son a couple years ago because he saw it on line and liked the color (blue peanut). Fit and finish on it is very good. Don't know about edge retention though, its never been used.
I've got a Rough Rider trapper and the fit and finish is pretty good.
It's very good value for money, but I hardly every carry it.

It just doesn't float my boat like a Case.
I have a SW med stockman with some of the nicest stag scales I've ever seen. I think I paid $18.00 for it. The same pattern with bone scales usually goes for around $10-12.

But I agree about the name, and even the logo is not right for a traditional knife.
Picked up a SW Black Pearl two-blade peanut for about 20USD on eBay a little while ago. While not the highest quality black pearl (a few imperfections), it's the real deal and the fit and finish are great.

Got four SW knives so far and would likely buy more.

I've got to agree with Confed though, WORSE name ever on a slippy :(
Oh the Shame, I live with.:D

I own these too and they are not the best, not saying the are bad.

Good fit and finish and with the 440 SS Blades are good also.

These are a good bang for the buck (dollars) knife.

And make great lenders.

While we're on the subject of Frost, not all have the Steel Warrior Logo stamped on them.

Frost Family, Frost Buffalo Creek(high-end German), Frost Bent Creek
are some of their other names. Some of these still have the SW logo
stamp but not all.

I'm a big fan of Case and Boker slipjoints, but these are pretty decent for $5-15.
The Buffalo Creek are much much higher though.

I bought my first SW last week, recieved it yesterday....was impressed with the fit & finish as well. Beautiful red walnut bone jigged handles. Was the Saddlehorn model. I say "was"...cause I showed it to a few guys at work...I was offered a price for it, and I sold it. Will buy another soon!! I am curious to how the edge will hold up in sharpness....and is it an easy steel to sharpen??
I can get the ones I own very sharp easly and they have held their edge well for me.
They do get sharp enough that I think I may have touched the edge and then I look and see the blood.
This has happen too many times in 2007 the steel warriors have bit me more than any other knife I own.
This does not happen when I get them Dull BTW.
Ironically, I just found an ACE Hardware store locally that is selling off their Steel Warrior brand for half price. Apparently, they aren't a hot seller (gee - wonder why?) and they're revamping their whole floor plan. I got a stag Peanut, a jigged bone Peanut, a jigged bone Wrangler, a smooth bone Mini-Trapper, two small 'tacticals', and a medium tactical. The sales guy was nice enough to let me look through the remaining stock, and where the boxed stock wasn't acceptable, he let me have the display knife. Overall, these were all fairly nice knives, with pretty good fit & finish, and strong springs. The only disappointment was that three medium smooth bone Trappers had terrible springs on the clip blades, so they stayed there.

I'll give these things a few years and see how the bone scales hold up. I figure for $5. each, that's an ok deal to put'em up for awhile and see how they last. (I keep hearing about bad scales, swelling/shrinking/etc.)

thx - cpr