Stream of Consciousness Thread

keep on shinin!
Today I made a tough call.

I had been talking with some guys who run a local motorsports club which is responsible for an ORV park in my area. They have this signage project that needs done, and because I'm a trail builder by profession, they were directed to me as a potential contractor.

Well, I spent some time looking at the scope of work, which was brutal, but paid well enough. And I really had to think on it and figure out how I would manage it.

After a few days of mulling it over, I made the decision to stay the course and continue focusing 100% on my cutlery design, leatherwork and knife making. While that's a tough row to hoe financially, I have been making progress. So I guess the short story here is that- even with the temptation of making some good money- I'm all in on the knife business.

Designing and making knives, and to a slightly lesser extent making sheaths, is what I want to do. There will be opportunities popping up here and there for trail design/building jobs and I may take the odd one because I love that work, too. But I feel like a Rubicon was crossed today, and just felt that maybe I should mark that with a quick post here.
every time I see a new Batman movie, I shake my head and ask why it's necessary. And then I find myself watching another new Batman movie :thumbsup:
I decided yesterday to put it out there in the universe, (via Facebook 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️) that I'll be providing sharpening service locally. Seems like a good way to earn some money and to actually interact with humans outside my house. My first customer, apparently, will be the mayor of our small town. She has garden tools, kitchen knives- man it sounds like she's got a lot of shit that needs sharpening. Anyway, it's kind of a cool thing and I'm pretty sure it bodes well. Not sure how I feel about sharpening scissors, but I better get over it.
my kid and I took a one day course with Jake James today, who is a world renowned blacksmith who live 20 minutes away. When you find out someone like that opens their shop to students, then it makes sense to take advantage of such an opportunity. Man, he is good at teaching this stuff too. And it was great spending a day with my kid, doing actual physically demanding work- it really showed me how resilient and even tempered they are and I am even more proud as a result

it was a throwing axe course, and all 6 of us students threw our axes after the course, just as the snowflakes started to fall. I can't wait to get myself tooled up to do some forging here at home!



ps. we didn't use the power hammer but there's just something about it that speaks to me
RIP Harry Belafonte
for some reason, the words "greed is bad" has been coming up in my thoughts over the past few days. Don't really have a specific idea as to why, but the more I think about those three words together, the more true they seem to be.
I've been digging bamboo out of our yard for the past two days, and my recommendation to to avoid having bamboo in your yard.