I've never made a knife with wood scales, but I was an adhesives / coatings chemist, and my superhero power is gluing to dissimilar materials so here is my 2 cents (agreeing with nearly all the comments so far). Epoxy is awesome when used correctly, especially more elastic ones like G Flex, because the wood will move tangentially when the steel will not, and this is important for longevity of the joint (why you don't want to over clamp the joint). It will likely hold for a long time, but its the constant months of expansion / contraction due to thermal and moisture forces that will cause it to eventually fail, even with the ingenious ideas of multiple holes bonding though, etc because once loose, then the epoxy "pins" will break.
My favorite adhesive for wood to steel is not epoxy, though. By far superior is simple PL Premium polyurethane construction adhesive because it stays more elastic than epoxy, soaks into wood like epoxy, yet has insane bond to steel. I have never seen joint failure on high torque loads using PL for wood to steel. Its similar to Gorilla glue, as many know, but has higher cohesion due to less foaming, and is cheaper (7 bucks for 10oz tube - goes in a caulk gun). I made half my boat with it (other half epoxy).
The trick with any adhesive (particularly epoxies and urethanes) is to heat the wood prior to application - it off gasses air and moisture, then the heat lowers the viscosity allowing deeper soak in, then as the wood cools it literally sucks adhesive deeper into its pores as it returns to ambient pressure. Then the heat kicks off the epoxy faster. All around underutilized great tip if you have a heat gun.
This is knife I make for my son .Wood is black ebony . Spine is 5mm thick . I cut the thread on the tang and used this /M4 thread/ screw .Instead of epoxy I used polyurethane seal I use in service for engine oil pan .If that thing can last 30 years on oil pan...................
Now , this is Parang I make this summer .I could not find then the right rubber for handle , so I temporary made one from walnut and glued with epoxy .I did not used pins then , easier to peel off when I find right rubber to make scale . After three fishing trip and heavy used , right scale has fallen .... I have no picture from then ..Then I make scale from rubber and used polyurethane . ......and rubber pins Since then after many multiday fishing trip and cut a lot wood for fire ...No problemo